MovieChat Forums > Aaron Taylor-Johnson Discussion > There's something creepy about him.

There's something creepy about him.

I find him difficult to watch in films. I can't put my finger on it, but there's just something...disconcerting and fairly creepy about him. It translates through the screen.

What Would Gibson Do?


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I find it creepy when someone talks a bunch of trash about someone else, especially the "I can't quite put my finger on it" comments. Point that finger at yourself.


It's the hair.


I've been a member of this website for over 12 years and if you look at my commenting history (I've written many reviews) or message board history, I think you'll agree I'm not someone who generally "talks a bunch of trash about" other people.

Perhaps my post was poorly worded in my rushed delivery, but there is nothing inherently horrible about saying that an actor translates uncomfortable feelings through the screen. Actors are putting themselves out there and, in doing so, have every right to be criticized.

I'm not insulting him on a personal level - I know nothing about him or his personal life. I'm speaking strictly in terms of his screen presence: there is something kind of creepy and unnerving about him.

The fact that you even automatically assumed this was an attack on him, rather than a comment on his presence as an actor, is telling.

I would also classify Crispin Glover as being extremely creepy, but that doesn't mean he's a poor actor. In the right roles he's great. But he's been typecast as a creep, he often plays wacky oddballs and villains -- I get the same vibe from Taylor-Johnson. Opining my feelings does not disqualify them.

If I'd come on here calling him names and insinuating other stuff about him, fair enough. But I was clearly referring to his screen presence and even said so in my post ("it translates through the screen").

Don't be so quick to lash out at people.

What Would Gibson Do?


I agree. Even though he's very handsome, there's still something... about him thay's unsettling.


Blake Lively is creeped out of him as well.


Since when? Source?


I'm glad I'm not the only one.
I'm not sure why.

It's not necessarily the hair.
The nose?

The eyes?
Maybe this thing between his eyes; a wrinkle that makes him look like he's too serious or always pissed?

It's like Michael Fassbender.

But he's handsome though! :)
