MovieChat Forums > Aaron Taylor-Johnson Discussion > I remember when I was 22 and wanted a ho...

I remember when I was 22 and wanted a hot older broad.

They guy is a good actor who cares what he wants in a woman.

Props to him!

Haters and Trolls will hate.

Your Best? Losers always whine about thier best, winners go home and *beep* the prom queen.


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Well she is old but she ain't hot.


OP: yes, when we're 22, mature women have the attraction of being more sure, relaxed, and experienced in bed. At 22, we may enjoy screwing them, but we don't marry them unless we're gay/have mommy issues.


It is weird that he blasts that old hen.



Speak for yourself. Apparently young European guys have a totally different attitude about that.


Do you live in Europe?

That does not mean anything.

People are really immature, even at 20 yo.
You're delusional.

18 -legal age to be an adult- does not mean anything.



All I'm saying is that usually Europeans (which this couple is) usually don't have this hangup we Americans have about young men getting with older women. Nothing delusional about that. And,yes, some people are more mature at age 20 than some people are at 18 or 20,given their life circumstances---you'd be surprised. And,uh,sorry, but being a legal adult at 18 means you're old enough to drink,drive,vote, enlist in the service and become a war veteran. Yet you say an 18 year old isn't old enough to date someone 10 years older than them, yet they're old enough to do all those other adult things? Makes no sense tome.



At 22, we may enjoy screwing them, but we don't marry them unless we're gay/have mommy issues.

Who the heck is "we"? That's just your opinion---you speak for yourself,not every man on the planet,and quit generalizing on that. Men have always given themselves the option of being with women of any age, so ow the tables have turned. And, just so you know, some young women like kicking it with a hot older dude in their '20s, but that's dosen't mean they're going to wind up marrying them either. Some of them just like the novelty of screwing older dudes,but sooner or later, eventually the differences in their outlooks and being at different points in their lives show up, and then that's when they split up. Especially when the young woman realizes that the older dude dosen't take her that seriously as an adult, and by then she's tired of being just a trophy on his arm because she's got plans for her own life that ain't all about him.
