MovieChat Forums > Hunter Biden Discussion > Smokes crack, bangs his niece, has shady...

Smokes crack, bangs his niece, has shady dealings with foreigners

But hey, he's a liberal so he gets a free pass.


With regards to your word choice,in short:
Stoned perv with commies,.in short.


Pretty much, but if Trump has too many scoops of ice cream then that’s an impeachable offense. Liberals are not only incredibly stupid but they are a threat to our democracy and nation.


When the civil war kicks off I hope it's a turkey shoot since liberals don't like guns.


Oh liberals love guns when the guns are being used by their tax payer funded security. They hate guns when ordinary people use them to defend themselves against left wing terrorists.


Same as how you apparently cannot exercise your legal right to self-defense against a convicted pedo, because they *might* be a liberal.


You don't understand!

He's an artist and must be FREE!!!


I've had diarrhea after bad Mexican food that was more artist than this cunt's finger paintings.


just another day being a liberal


#1 prove he banged his niece. citation please. I will accept evidence.

#2 you have a republican on audio recording admitting he sexually assaults women. who gets the free pass again?


#3 Same Republican has extensive business dealings with the very same foreigners.


#1 prove he banged his niece. citation please. I will accept evidence.

Obviously, if you choose to view the videos and photos, they are not safe for work:

You can also find the text/e-mail messages between Hallie and Joe about what she should do after she found out Hunter banged Natalie. Joe's response? "Get therapy".

The "Big Guy" really knows how to handle family business, eh?


Lol the silence is deafening.


I just don’t get why you would want to take up the defense of this guy. I get that there’s bad actors across the political spectrum. But why parachute into the defense of Hunter Biden who’s every thought and action is repugnant to liberal ideals?


im not defending. im asking for evidence. if someone said "hitler killed the jews because leprechauns told him to" id ask for evidence. that doesn't mean im defending Hitler.

care to try again? this time make a more intelligent comment


In your analogy, Hunter Biden is Hitler and you’re actually asking for evidence that he killed the Jews (not proof of some preposterous motive no one was arguing). I’m not sure why you chose the Hitler analogy but it emphasizes my point. Why demand some burden of proof for a guy whose behavior is so repugnant to the liberal values that got the President elected.


you are an idiot if you didnt get my analogy

burden of proof doesnt change if the guy is repugnant or not.

please go away. you dont understand basic arguments and logic


Yeah, your holocaust and leprechauns analogy is just crushing the world of logical reasoning there Socrates. I think I will move on.


Ya its the points that claims need evidence. which you said they don't because "hes repugnant".

the fact I dont like the guy and he has done sketchy things. does not mean I believe future claims without evidence. same with Hitler. The fact previous claims about him have been established, does not mean I will believe everything new said about Hitler without evidence.

you are an idiot and its showing.

but say im defending hunter again you dull wit. you've already made yourself look stupid.


Funny how we need evidence for things Hunter did but no one required evidence when it was Trump and his kids, and they were accused of something new every other week.


STAY ON TOPIC. your whataboutism just shows you are an idiot. this thread is about Hunter, I ONLY talked about Hunter. funny how I never brought up Trump or his kids but YOU did.


“#2 you have a republican on audio recording admitting he sexually assaults women. who gets the free pass again?”


the rat pops up again


He is part of the establishment machine, so he gets a free pass.


Weird. I read this and figured you were talking about Rudy Giuliani. And then I remembered he was banging his cousin. DOH!
