MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > Killed/injured a pedophile, a wife beate...

Killed/injured a pedophile, a wife beater and a burglar.

Yet people still come in and bash Kyle...

Shows you that liberals are pure trash.


I didn’t see him kill trump?


I didn’t see him kill trump?

Biden's the one who's been caught smelling young girls on camera.


They’re all rich paedophiles who rob the country blind


Yeah except Trump isn’t. Another Democrat lemming with the ol “they all do it” when he finds out the only this his hero is capable of is pedophilia and shitting himself on national tv.


By your logic, if Biden is a pedo then Trump is too.


Leftists hate the kid because he's not a thug-commie.


People who riot, burn, loot and attack innocent people are begging to be shot.


Junior police cadet versus pedophile, wife beater and burglar... I sure know what side I am on. How could anyone root for the three criminals? Shows how twisted and evil the Left is.


I heard he "testified that he intended to act as a medic and help protect private property." Why did he travel to a city that he doesn't live in to protect private property? It's not like he was military traveling for war. When I think of acting as a medic I travel with bandages, water, no a GUN. He was looking for trouble. Found it. Killed people. And got away with it.


Because he worked there? And part of his family lived there?


I think his father lived in Kenosha. He worked? Was he lifeguard or something? He went looking for trouble.


liberal logic...


Not only that but they were part of a mob that was trying to overthrow the government and kill innocent people. They deserved to die.
