MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > Good luck today, young warrior!

Good luck today, young warrior!

May your trial be swift, may justice be served, and may you walk as a free man very soon.

If the three attackers you rightfully and justly shot happened to be a child rapist, a domestic abuser and a burglar, imagine the makeup of the rioters as a whole! And they were rioting to support yet another sexual predator and criminal!

And it's creatures like these that the Left elevates to martyrs! The Left is evil and rotten to the core.

Go Kyle! Let's Go Brandon!


I don't know why he was charged.


Political pressure. It happened at the height of the BLM movement and the Leftist Machine was in full swing. Even now, most Leftists see Kyle as an evil mass-shooter, and the child molester, the abuser and the burglar who attacked him are righteous heroes to them.


All fine young men who, if not callously murdered by
Rittenhouse, would be reading to blind and volunteering at the soup kitchen as we speak.


Rosebaum (The bald "Shoot me, N!99a" guy) would probably seek a position helping young children.

"yes, at age 19, Rosenbaum was sentenced to prison for sexually abusing five children — all boys between the ages of 9 and 11 — in Arizona’s Pima County in early 2002, according to his case file obtained via a public records request by Snopes.

The documents said Rosenbaum was temporarily living with the boys’ parents after his mother had kicked him out for disobeying her rules about one month earlier. Over the course of his weeks-long stay, Rosenbaum molested the boys, showed them porn, and performed oral sex on them, among other offenses, the documents showed. He was sentenced to prison for roughly 15 years, and authorities believed at the time “his risk to recidivate being of great concern to the community” considering the victims’ gender and age."

Huber, the skateboard hippie, would be perfect for elder care.

"Next, we analyzed criminal records involving Huber, and determined it also accurate to state he was charged with domestic abuse. We uncovered a Kenosha County criminal complaint that outlined his first serious run-in with law enforcement, in December 2012. And per that complaint, Huber, who was 18 years old at the time, threatened his brother and grandmother at their home with a knife, choked the brother, and demanded that they follow his orders. The complaint said the brother wanted to take Huber to a hospital, apparently for emergency mental health help, but Huber resisted. In the end, he was charged with strangulation and suffocation and false imprisonment, both of which are felony crimes."

Grosskreutz, the pistol-packing one-armed bandit, could assist in wealth redistribution.

Link to Snopes article about the attackers.


All misunderstood..


They were no doubt on their way to church to work on a cure for cancer when he rudely interrupted them!


Yep!! All that potential wasted!!


Just like george ffloyd; an innocent man


Funny ...


it is very funny, because rittenhouse wasnt innocent


Nobody is innocent.

But this kid didn't do time, didn't put a gun on a pregnant lady.

Probably he will get some time, but I highly doubt it will be for murder.


No one put a gun on a pregnant lady. Learn the facts before talking.



"In 2007, Floyd faced charges for aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon; according to investigators, he had entered an apartment by impersonating a water department worker and barging in with five other men, then held a pistol to a woman's stomach and searched for items to steal."

"His life then took a different turn, with a string of arrests for theft and drug possession culminating in an armed robbery charge in 2007, for which he was sentenced to five years in prison."

"In 2009, Floyd went to prison after pleading guilty to aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon."

You can argue that maybe she wasn't pregnant - the internet is full with both versions, that doesn't suddenly make him innocent. It was still armed robbery and he apparently pulled a gun on a woman, pregnant or not.


What I'm arguing is that he never "held a gun to a pregnant woman's belly."


And do you have proof for that?

Just curious, because just as I cannot find definitive proof that she was pregnant I guess it will be impossible for you to find proof that she wasn't pregnant.


that's not how burden of proof works but ok


Pregnant or not, he definitely DID hold a gun to a woman's belly while his homies robbed her apartment.


At least he didn’t kill anyone


That we know of. And if he had killed someone, judging by his criminal career, it probably would have been an innocent woman or old person. Certainly not a violent sex pervert or abuser like the ones Rittenhouse did away with.


This is just conjecture on your part, with zero evidence. Like I said, he never killed anyone, unlike your “hero” Rottenhouse.


The people Rittenhouse killed were violent drains on society. One of them had already destroyed the lives of 5 little boys by raping them. The other had threatened the lives of his own family with a knife and non-lethally strangled one of them. Kyle did nothing wrong when he stopped them from murdering him.


Maybe you should research into the victims
Backgrounds a little more. Huber was suffering from bipolar disorder and
lived with an abusive mother, but he had turned his life around and was a hero. The other guy that got shot, Grosskreutz, was entirely innocent.


Rosenbaum raped FIVE little boys under 12. Huber threatened to stab his grandma and choked his brother. Grosskreutz, was under suspicion of burglary and came up on Kyle with a gun in his hand to kill him. All 3 deserved to be put down.


Huber was living with an abusive mother and had a bipolar episode. He had turned his life around Alan’s was described as a “hero” by his family. Grosskreutz had his hands raised in a surrendering motion and was not a convicted felon. He was there as a medic to help people.


LOL! Huber was actually living with a welfare mom he met several weeks earlier and who used his death as an opportunity to cash in on GoFundMe as the 'grieving widow".

Oh yes , his family called him a hero, so of course, it must be true! I wonder if they thought so when he was holding a knife on them and choking them.

And if Grosskreutz was surrendering, why didn't he drop the gun? Why did he later boast to his friends that he was planning to shoot Kyle?

I notice you have nothing to say about Rosenbaum? Why so exclusionary? HA HA HA!


Oh yes, how dare anyone seek money to help pay for funeral costs and the fact your significant other has been shot dead. Maybe you should spend less time judging people’s responses to grief and more time using critical thinking.

I don’t know why he didn’t drop the gun, all I know is his hands were raised in surrender and you’re little psycho bitchboy gunned him down anyway, along with two unarmed men. You also don’t know all the details or context of him living with an abusive family and having a bipolar episode due to abuse.

And what about Rosenbaum? He was unarmed and accosted by that loser you’re happy to defend. His past is entirely irrelevant as to why he died.


You're a liar. Plain and simple. His hands were not raised in surrender when he was shot. He lowered them and was then shot. His arm is literally pointed down towards Kyle when you see his bicep turn to pink mist.


If you would actually watch the video you can see he raises his hands as an instinctive defensive reaction to skateboard fag getting shot. He then for a split second appears to put his hands up as a bluff while Rittenhouse lowers his rifle, and possibly clears a malfunction. He then immediately rushes back in (pistol in hand) to attack Rittenhouse and is shot because of it.


Hands raised in surrender??

And here ladies and gentlemen we have another example and proof of the propaganda and lies that the left purposely spread.
Thank you for watching …


In self defense.


No one else shot anyone that day except for Rittenhouse. If these people were so bad, then why did they not demonstrate any willingness to kill people?


Rittenhouse was the youngest and most vulnerable looking, and the only one they were able to isolate due to his inexperience.


And the only killer on the scene. Or are you claiming other people were murdered and the police covered it up?


If he hadn't shot them, they would have murdered him. That bald-headed boy-raper Rosenbaum would have killed him. Plain and simple. Given the choice between 2 dead and one injured lowlives and one dead law-abiding, community-minded boy, it seems a very good deal.


Are you, or are you not, claiming that other people were murdered that day in that area? You think the police would have arrested Rittenhouse if he had not shot anyone?

I'm not trying to judge Rittenhouse in this thread. I'm claiming that your post is stupid and would like to see what kind of mental gymnastics you will perform to support it.


Your post is mindless blather, you mean.


Young Warrior?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....STFU you fat Trump warrior wanna be....go fight the urge not to stuff another piece of pizza in your fat face....😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Well, we all know what you like stuffing, and into what part of your body, too.

reply are a little fatty....knew it. Pricks usually are...😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


You shouldn't be talking. Your mom just sent me a picture of you. She wanted me to know you were a fine young man and nothing like the nasty basement dweller I was imagining. Judging from the photo she sent, she's in very deep denial.


Why are you so obsessed with pizza? That's like the fourth time you've mentioned it.


Because fat people love pizza.


I mean, everybody loves pizza.


Yeah. But only young people get away without gaining much weight.....these old guys defending kyle not so I pretty much know they are fatties...😃....

Just so you know I'm neither liberal or conservative. I support neither kyle or the looters/rioters...


He’s a loser


Let's also wish all of Al Qaeda, ISIS and all their terrorist members good luck too!


It's a free country. If you Democrats want to wish your allies in the war against Western Civilization good luck, that's fine with me. Won't be much help, though.


I'm DEFINITELY not a Democrat! Thank heavens. But, terrorists are terrorists. Which is why you worship them.


If you're not a Democrat, you are very confused.


Maybe Rittenhouse will come for your family next, and you can praise him once again.


Doubt it. None of us are child molesters, domestic abusers or communist rioters. If he ever DID come to our house, we'd have a nice barbecue and thank him for his heroism in removing 3 REAL terrorists.


Not what I heard.


wow you're dumb ...


little bitch - hope he gets thrown in jail


he will.

Most likely he will get 5 years, will either get probation after 2 years or rightaway.



Wow. Another communist child molester comes out of the woodwork to mourn his fallen comrades.


Who elected Kyle judge and executioner? no one! And the rule of law means no one is above the law.
Disgusts me how all this trumpet worshipers are quick to forget that...


Kyle just elected not to become a bloody spot on the pavement, as he would have if Rosenbaum, Huber, and the rest of the crazed communist mob had caught him.


He had NO BUSINESS being there in the first place. He lived in Illinois.

He chose to be in the wrong place at the wrong time while armed and made the decision to take some else’s life.

Now he has to pay the piper for his choices. Simple as that. Stop trying to justify his actions.


U’re going to say the same about a raped woman that’s wearing trashy outfits???

I thought woketards were against blaming the victim …


@asom you are comparing apples and oranges. The victims in this case isn't the dumbass who had no business, clue, training or need to be at the riots. The victims are those who lost their lives.

And also, its spelled "you're' not "U're"


Riots? I thought they were peaceful protests?


A judge just decided that you cannot use the term “victims” for those 3. …


He lived only 20 minutes away and he worked in Kenosha. It was more his community to defend than it was the rioters community to destroy.


Although I agree, a lot of the looters did not live in Kenosha, his victims (those Kyle killed) were actual residents - they did not drive from a different state to get there.


I'd still say Kyle had more of a right to drive 20 minutes from Antioch to defend the businesses of Kenosha than the local riffraff did to skateboard downtown from their welfare hotels to loot and burn them.


That sounds more like a personal bias, not a fact


Yeah. I am biased against looting and burning the establishments of law-abiding citizens. I'm just funny that way.


It is funny that you care about law and order when it comes to looting and burning but not about shooting other humans and killing them...


Those individuals who were shot were out there to break the law and ruin the lives of innocent business owners by torching their establishments. That was their purpose even BEFORE they set out to hunt down and murder a teenage boy for thwarting their plan to push a blazing dumpster into a gas pump. Their deaths were a benefit to civilized society.


Looting and torching establishments is never ok, I agree with you there. But taking another man's life, especially by a teenager who had no authority or training to handle a rioting mob is also not ok.

My only issue with what you are saying is the blatant double standard when it comes to law and order, and the complete disregard for the lives of others you don't deem worthy...

I hope you never fall into the unjust hands of those who think YOU are not worthy!


The major flaw in your argument is this: At the time Rittenhouse was attacked, he was walking along shouting "Does anyone need a medic?" At that point, the bald child molester, Rosenbaum, jumped out of hiding and began his attack on the boy.

Rittenhouse was not attempting to "handle the mob". He was looking for injured people to assist. He was armed, yes, but his purpose for that was self-defense in case he was attacked, which unfortunately became necessary when Rosenbaum attacked and the rioters ran amok soon after.

If Rittenhouse had not been armed, Rosenbaum would in all likelihood have murdered him, as he had vowed to do earlier.


You mean 2 pieces of human debris who were not worthy. Kyle unknowingly took out 2 pieces of trash for which the courts failed to do.




Good luck today, little white nationalist vigilante piece of shit!


Wow! There’s another Rosenbaum and he’s on MovieChat! Everyone say hello to the new Rosenbaum wanna-be…none other than Druff!
