
the Jury finds Mr. Rittenhouse innocent on all charges. a great day for America and patriotism.


What did the armchair internet judge and jurors decide? Had Twitter reached a verdict yet? That's all that matters. :D


the Jury finds Mr. Rittenhouse innocent on all charges.

Where do you get this from? There is nothing about it on the news that I saw.


It's nonsense. The trial is still ongoing.


just trying to get ahead of the verdict...


Considering there are people openly admitting to trying to work out the identities of the jurors to threaten them with doxxing if they do the right thing and say not guilty, it's still up in the air.




Longer live stream where he's trying to intimidate a judge by going to their apartment


well, that proves that they don't want justice, they want revenge ...

Like all leftists here ...


You just hope shit like this will awaken a few extra brain cells and get them to understand what is actually going on.


No chance, they will deny any facts that contradicts the narrative ... they can't even register those facts.


the jury just said he was innocent and the riots have started.

free tv's yall!


Stop lying.


No lie, there were a few peaceful riots.


called it....


I absolutely could not watch the freaks in the links. I gagged!


It's like some people are trying to be caricatures of people.


LOL! 👏🏻👏🏻 Cartoons for sure!


George Floyd's nephew is spouting off on social media about identifying the jurors.


that guy looks like he's got a rap sheet longer than his dead uncle's


LOL! 😅😂🤣


No, it was announced a couple of hours ago that the jury was breaking for the night.

Senile old Judge Mush For Brains invited Crybaby Kyle Rottenhouse & the jury to his place for pizza & beers. The jury foreman tried to protest that this would be against the rules, but senile old Mush For Brains started screaming at him, so off they all trucked to Mushbrain's place.


America and Justice prevail, but the riots , burning, looting and murdering will start tonight.

Free TV's yall!


When will you get your TV?


Soon, very soon.


What will you do if a child points a rifle at you while you're looting?


If I were stupid enough to be a looter, I'd probably be stupid enough to attack the armed child.


You have already implied that you are stupid enough to loot. Better hope that you are armed with something better than a skateboard.


"You have already implied that you are stupid enough to loot."

Not sure where you got that from. Actually, you're the one ignoring the evidence that proved Rittenhouse was defending himself. So you're actually encouraging the rioting.

"Better hope that you are armed with something better than a skateboard."

The guy with the pistol didn't fare very well either. Best to just not be stupid and attack someone with a rifle. He might shoot you and get off due to self defense.


What does Rittenhouse have to do with our conversation? You said the looting was going to start tonight and you were going to get your TV.

Nothing I said would lead anyone to believe that I was ignoring evidence. I actually accept the trial verdict and plan on doing nothing about it.

You should change your mind about looting in case someone with a rifle shoots you for it.


What does Rittenhouse have to do with our conversation? You said the looting was going to start tonight and you were going to get your TV.

You obviously have me confused with someone else.

Nothing I said would lead anyone to believe that I was ignoring evidence.

You said this:

"No one else shot anyone that day except for Rittenhouse. If these people were so bad, then why did they not demonstrate any willingness to kill people?"

Evidence from the trial:

Ryan Balch, a former Army infantryman who carried an AR-style rifle that night and walked around patrolling the streets with Rittenhouse, testified that Rosenbaum was “hyperaggressive and acting out in a violent manner,” including trying to set fires and throwing rocks.
Balch said he got between Rosenbaum and another man while Rosenbaum was trying to start a fire, and Rosenbaum got angry, shouting, “If I catch any of you guys alone tonight I’m going to f—- kill you!”
Balch said that Rittenhouse was within earshot and that he believed the threat was aimed at both of them.

Yeah, that's you, ignoring evidence.


Sorry, I confused you for bubbathegut.


Rittenhouse was the only one who shoot anyone that day. Big talk from the likes of Rosenbaum is not the same as demonstrating a willingness to kill anyone.


"Big talk from the likes of Rosenbaum is not the same as demonstrating a willingness to kill anyone."

So, saying “If I catch any of you guys alone tonight I’m going to f—- kill you!” isn't demonstrating a willingness to kill?

So if someone said that to you, and then chased you, you wouldn't assume they would try to kill you if they caught you?


Please. I know it's tough, but try to be honest.


It's just big talk. I've been threatened before. None of those cowards had the spine to back up their talk with their fists or weapons. Your experience will vary of course.

I've also run from a threat (was unarmed) to avoid a confrontation.

One time I did help take down and hold a person who was threatening people with a rifle. I was unarmed at the time, but my partner was armed. Shooting people is not always the answer.


"I know it's tough, but try to be honest."

I can see my request was ignored.

Have you actually seen the drone footage? You know, more of the evidence you've claimed not to ignore?

The drone footage clearly shows Rittenhouse running away and Rosenbaum chasing him. It's only when Rosenbaum is almost catching him (after claiming, "If I catch any of you guys alone tonight I’m going to f—- kill you!") does Rittenhouse turn and shoot him.

If Rittenhouse was there to intentionally kill someone, why was he running away?

When you ran from a threat, were you chased and caught? If you were caught, would you feel you had the right to defend yourself?


I didn't ignore your request. I didn't say Rittenhouse was there to intentionally kill someone.

I will always defend myself if I need to.

If Rittenhouse was unarmed, chances are he would have stayed out of trouble and not been injured. Its not like anyone was going out of there way to injure him until he started shooting.

We don't need kids walking around armed in these kinds of situations.


"I didn't ignore your request."

Sure you did. I asked you to respond to this:

So, saying “If I catch any of you guys alone tonight I’m going to f—- kill you!” isn't demonstrating a willingness to kill?

So if someone said that to you, and then chased you, you wouldn't assume they would try to kill you if they caught you?

And you replied with "It's just big talk." Ignoring the fact that Rosenbaum wasn't just talking. He was chasing after Rittenhouse.

So we get back to my claim that you're ignoring evidence.

Once again, stop being dishonest.


I will use the Chewbacca Defense.


Isn't that what the killer's attorney will use to confuse the jury after your untimely death? :)


Why would a Wookiee, an 8-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does not make sense!


Look at this monkey!


"It does not make sense"


I' so glad this asshole's gone!


Praise God! Thank you! Thank you! 👏🏻👏🏻

And to the dipshit K****i who consistently referred to Kyle as a psychopath may you one day find yourself in a situation where you have no escape. Just sayin’


It would have cost him 15ooo dollars.
