MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > Keelai has a point, should be charged u...

Keelai has a point, should be charged under the Patriot Act as a terrorist too.

Domestic terrorist attends meetings with white supremacist terrorists, obtains gun, goes out into the night to murder people.

Double standard going on here.


Good job, you made me laugh ;)


Kyle should be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his heroic efforts. The young man helped clean up the city during the day and he took out the trash in the midnight hour. Good riddance to the bi-polar pedophile Rosenbaum who was caught on video pushing a flaming dumpster towards cop cars. Huber was a bi-polar domestic abuser who smoked weed with his fellow domestic abuser Jacob Blake so he's no good. Grosskreutz was a member of an antifa group that attended over 75 protests and he was illegally carrying a concealed weapon. Rittenhouse was apparently authorized to carry his rifle in Wisconsin.
