MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > The defense wants a mistrial?

The defense wants a mistrial?

The defense has senile old Judge Mush Brain in their pocket, Judge Mush Brain screams at the prosecution for them, Young Crybaby Kyle Rottenhouse is handpicking the jury . . . what more do they want?


To late to call that. This stuff outside the jury is in case they come back with a hung jury. All the things now is to give the judge to decide on another trial. Now all another trial will be if it was self defense.


Yes they are trying to engineer it to get another trial with a different judge and a different chance at jurors.


What is going on really the best option for Kyle. The judge is holding out for a non guilty from the jury. That would be the best option. Second best would be mistrial with prejudice which has been filed due to the evidence tampering the prosecution have admitted to. Third option is straight up mistrial which the defence has also asked for due to the numerous constitutional infringements. This one is the least desirable as there is the possibility of a new trial.


"which the defence has also asked"

The "defence"?


Ah. No wonder you're so confused if you need to ask this.


I understand. "Defense" is some advanced spelling.


Are you telling me you don't know how to use a dictionary?


That is not what I am telling you.


I know you're trolling but this is just lazy. What did you think the end game was here?


He sees everything through the small lenses of American myopia ...


Yes they are trying to engineer it to get another trial with a different judge and a different chance at jurors.

They need a different jury. There is evidence that both some jury members have been photographed in what can be an intimidation by doxxing move and that two jurors right now won't come back with the innocent vote because they fear repercussions.

If they get a retrial, they most likely try to go with an innominate jury. If they get that, they'll get an acquittal in the time it took to get pizza delivered.


KY Mac 'N Jelly and Fucker Carlson have volunteered for that jury. Senile old Judge Mush For Brains is giving that serious consideration.


You know the guy is leagues smarter than you right.

You're some loser on a movie forum and he is a successful judge haha

Talk about delusional 🤦‍♂️


Exactly! Gotta be a dumb, bored teenager. Like all these morons who question the Constitution, they're mental midgets compared to the intellectuals who wrote it.


^This x 1000. : )


Senile old Judge Mush For Brains will soon be in an Alzheimer's facility where a CNA will be changing his diapers.

His one goal in life, before they lock him away, is a hot date with Young Crybaby Kyle's mom, Mrs. Rottenhouse.
