

I learned long ago never to debate a liberal….I just feel bad for you cause I already know you have never experienced humping a hot gal….so enjoy your shitty non humping hot gals life….I even wondering if you can get the fatties???




You still can’t see your Dick or score hot women….idiot….fat bitch thriller


Let’s see a picture of your wife then, lmao


You're so uninformed and ignorant.

Liberalism IS NOT conservatism. Not in the American way and not in what liberalism actually means.

And in USA what is called "liberalism" has moved toward left and socialism and actually has NOTHING to do with liberalism which is economically a right oriented movement (free market, capitalism, less government, yada yada - might sound like conservatism to the uninformed pleb).

No party is LIBERAL in the USA, not anymore, only in name and that name is more and more synonym to socialism ...

And I'm right. And you are a stupid leftist troll.

And I have the proof for everything I said but it's common knowledge so you can google for it ...


Classical liberalism is right wing.

Cry some more you alt-right troll, and bask in the glory that I’m right.


If you support Rosenbaum, then you are a pedophile who supports a child rapist.

A child rapist who was killed because he was trying to attack another underaged boy.

So sorry for your loss. (Not.)

You are a disgusting person who defends the indefensible.


THis is what the streets should look like after that verdict:



Its not about "supporting" him. Its about accepting the outcome of a fair trial. A jury of his peers looked at the evidence, deliberated for over 25 hours and you can't accept their decision because you don't like his Political affiliation. As I mentioned before, that's not how trials work. Trials and supposed to be 100% non biased and based on the evidence that was presented by both the Prosecution and Defense, period. Its not about blindly supporting whoever is on your "team." You don't have to like him, but acting like a lunatic and calling people names because they disagree with you is disgustingly immature.


Uhuh sure. The all-white jury acquitted a dumbass kid who walked into a protest armed to the teeth and then gave him his freedom after provoking multiple people so he could gun them down in cold blood. "Fair" trial my ass.

You're a fucking moron. Later clown.


First of all, it was a riot, not a protest...Second, why does the color of the jury matter considering the men who were shot were also white?

The jurors on the Arbery trial were all white except one, and they found the defendants guilty today. Care to explain that one?

You are the fucking moron. A truly twisted, confused soul.


If you don't support Rittenhouse, you are an uneducated leftist whose worldview is formed entirely by the lies told by CNN, MSNBC, NPR, NYT, etc. You have no idea what happened, yet you spout idiotic remarks anyway.


Thanks for proving the content of my post correct. You people are too easy.


So was he supposed to just sit there while BLM murdered him?


He was supposed to stay home and not walk into a protest with while armed to the teeth and provoking people so he could shoot them like he wanted.

"I wish I could shoot liberals" - Kyle Rottenmouse
