MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > FACT: By definition Kyle Rittenhouse is ...

FACT: By definition Kyle Rittenhouse is not a vigilante.

Prove me wrong by posting the definition and explaining how it applies to his actions.


Facts don鈥檛 matter to libtards, all that matters is pushing their lies and radical agendas.


He is also not a murderer, white supremacist nor was he looking for trouble "crossing state lines with his assault rifle" (ugh).
Does the left care? No, they S T I L L parrot all this bullshit.

This is the danger of today, ideologues that are so easily indoctrinated and manipulated that they are willing to see the world burn because "white man bad!".


LeftWing isn't the only ideology in town. Rightwing is just as full of shit as the otherside. Case in point, this whole forum.


Only people who believe lies think we're full of shit. Your entire ideology is based on lies and misinformation, dependent on the gullibility of the ignorant masses.




More proof that leftists don't care about facts.


Neither side cares about facts. Just there own facts.




Wrong. I care about the truth above all else. Not a "version" of it.


The rest of us aren't obsessed with his little turd. Just freakin move on already!!!!


Your 16 Rittenhouse posts sounds like an obsession.


counting my posts, really? who's obsessed now...?


Then why are you in this thread...?


to complain about hicks like you who are ruining this movie forum!


You commenting in a "non movie" thread makes you complicit...


Definition of vigilante
: a member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law are viewed as inadequate)
broadly : a self-appointed doer of justice

Quite right. He was not part of a committee as far as I know. FACT: He was not from Kenosha, so traveled there for some reason. FACT: He had a gun. FACT: He killed people.

FACT: He had no reason to go all the way to Kenosha from Antioch (about 30 miles) to defend himself. He was not in danger until he put himself in harms way.

FACT: He killed people for no reason


His father lived in Kenosha, so I assume it was like a second home. He had just as much a right to be there than anyone else.

And you say he killed people for no reason, but the actual video evidence shows those 3 men attacking him, which is why the jury didn't convict him for murder.


But you say nothing about all the protester (rioters and looters) who came from California, Oregon, Washington and all points in between to commit their crimes.


Very true. They were all looking to cause trouble. Fuel to the fire didn't help. But. I was not on the jury, so no harm no foul.


FACT: Not guilty



"Someone who personally claims to enforce law and order, but lacks legal authority to do so. Vigilantes operate by using actual or threatened force"

Please explain how this doesn't pertain to Kyle


Because it was self defense. The gun was for protection, not to enforce laws.

It's a pretty clear distinction.


I realize the killings were in self-defense. The patrolling and defending property are the vigilante part.


""Someone who personally claims to enforce law and order, but lacks legal authority to do so. Vigilantes operate by using actual or threatened force"

Using that selective definition, everyone out there that night was a vigilante. The rioters thought that the shooting of Jacob Blake by the police was illegal, and they were exacting their own justice.

The OP's mistake here is not taking into account the various definitions of 'vigilante'.

For example:

A person who is not a member of law enforcement but who pursues and punishes persons suspected of lawbreaking.

1. one of an organized group of citizens who take upon themselves the protection of their district, properties, etc
2. Also called: vigilance man US a member of a vigilance committee

1. a member of a vigilance committee.
2. any person who assumes the authority of the law, as by avenging a crime.

A person who unlawfully takes the enforcement of law into his or her own hands.

So, technically, anyone involved with a neighborhood watch is a vigilante.

But we all know that isn't the definition of vigilante that Rittenhouse is being accused of. He's being accused of the last one in that list.


"a member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law are viewed as inadequate)"


Did you even read my post?


I did. The over arching definition that I have seen of the word "vigilante" is one who is carrying out the job of law enforcement. Patrolling with a gun and protecting property are responsibilities of law enforcement. I don't see how you can argue this.


So you don't see any difference between these two definitions?:

"one of an organized group of citizens who take upon themselves the protection of their district, properties, etc"

"A person who is not a member of law enforcement but who pursues and punishes persons suspected of lawbreaking."

Are you dumb, or just pretending to be dumb?


He's a cat who's a vigilante... he's a cat WHO IS a vigilante.


Does it matter if he was though? When the government fails to do its job to support the police or send the national guard during a riot and the people are left defenseless, eventually vigilante justice will prevail for those that seek order from chaos. I don't feel sorry for the protesters who destroy other peoples livelihoods when their focus should be at the government and police that did the injustice, not the people who had nothing to do with it.


A vigilante goes after criminals and there were no criminals at the BLM protest. He brought an assault rifle strapped below his shoulder to a demostration where no one else was armed. He shot 3 people, killing 2 of them. He is a murderer
