MovieChat Forums > Charlie Cox Discussion > Got something from him

Got something from him

I sent a letter to Charlie mid February and yesterday I got a photo and a tiny handwritten note from him, what a lovely surprise after all this time!!!

He said he didn't know if I wanted a photo but here it is and thanked me for my letter, sooooo sweet.

I wonder what he'll be working on next now the plays finished?


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Really? That's so awesome! I'd love to get something from him, so if you could give me the address to where to write him, I would greatly appreciate it!

"Bugger off you bloody wanker!" Inspired by Spike!


I sent the letter c/o the theatre he was performing at, but that's finished now.

Write to his agency,

Charlie Cox
Drury House
34-43 Russell Street
London WC2B 5HA.

I'm not sure if he's still with this one but I'm sure you'll send it on if not.

I'm almost 100% sure you'll get a reply, but he may have gone on holiday so the reply may take time. Charlie really does appear to appreciate his fans so it's well worth a try.

Good luck and let us know.

I love Harry Potter too, (well Dan Radcliffe to be more precise he he).


Well I found out that that address is no longer good, but I got his new one. thanks anyway though! I'm gonna write to him ASAP (technically, I already ahve written the letter, I just need to mail it off! lol)! And I'll definitely let everyone know if I hear back from him! And that's so awesome that you like Harry Potter too! Dan Radcliffe is my fave as well! ^_^

"Bugger off you bloody wanker!" Inspired by Spike!


Sure do! Here ya go:

Charlie Cox
United Agents Ltd.
130 Shaftesbury Avenue
London, W1D 5EU

I wish you luck! I sent my letter off for him about a week ago, so I haven't gotten anything back yet. I don't know if I will get anything either, since unfortunately I wasn't able to get any International Reply Coupons to send with the letter, but I'm keeping my figures crossed anyway. I hope you're able to get something from him though, even if I'm not.

"Bugger off you bloody wanker!" Inspired by Spike!


Just wondering if anyone's gotten letters back from him since this post
Because I would absolutely love to write a letter to him


I wrote a card to Charlie a while back after he finished his play. I got a photo back with a little thank you note on the back. He's such a lovely guy.


He is a really nice guy. I spent a week on the set of 'Stardust' as a temporary runner. A lot of people never even spoke to me (perfectly understandable) but on Friday night, Charlie bought beers for a load of us in the pub (even though I tried to protest). We chatted; he was really down to earth, friendly and encouraging.
