MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Discussion > Secretly a liberal pawn! OPEN YOUR EYES.

Secretly a liberal pawn! OPEN YOUR EYES.

TUCKER CARLSON is no conservative. He is a liberal pawn planted by democrats to trick you. Need facts? Take a look:

1. Proudly Born and raised in San Francisco, the gay libtard capital of the world.

2. Attended Trinity College, a LIBERAL ARTS college in blue New England. Since Carlson is not from New England, why would he go out of his way to go to school in a strong blue area? If he were ACTUALLY conservative, wouldn’t he go to school in Alabama or Oklahoma?

3. He worked for CNN from 2000-2005 and MSNBC from 2008-2009. Cmon people!!!


5. His father, Dick Carlson, was also outted for being a false republican.

6. He has openly listed his favorite bands as Phish, Grateful Dead, and Rage Against The Machine. Three hippie, alt-left “fight the power” LSD bands. Name ONE conservative who likes these bands.

The writing is on the wall. Use your brains and get this fake piece of shit off of Fox!


Number 4, the one that you are so proud of, haha. pathetic.

For example, I am still a register Democrat. They now call themselves Communists but whatever. I'm still called that by idiots of the world.

My point, besides you being an idiiot?
People change and years later they change their party.

Does this surprise you?

Do you want a thesis and a book for this point?

Number 6. Tucker Carlson.


You call me an idiot but then misspell the word as “idiiot”. Is this a joke?

Besides nitpicking grammar, Tucker Carlson has been ripping libtards apart for years. But it’s now within the last 12 months that he’s decided to finally change parties? It’s obvious to someone with a functioning brain like myself that Carlson clearly only changed parties to look more credible.

And if you’re willing to write a thesis paper on your lack of thought process then I’d gladly read it!

And clearly you are not a Democrat if you literally think all Democrats are Communist, or whatever that cringey joke is implying. That’s like registering as a Repub and thinking all Repubs are inbred klansmen.


Everyone on Fox is controlled opposition.


and conservatives believe every word of it


You writing this is all the proof I require. I am done with Tucker. No one makes a fool out of me without my help.


I'm glad we've got new idiot leftists on here to amuse myself with

Please keep posting!


If you want to continue being a sheeple then keep bah bah bah-ing.


Funny coming from a Leftist

Keep going you're catching up on being the dumbest poster on the board. Maybe this time it won't take you 3 days to make a sheep joke


Would you like me to make sheep jokes more frequently for you and, well, just you and your sock puppet accounts? Or would you like to get a job like and stay off the computer for a bit?


Right I must have sock accounts cause there can't be a bunch of people who think you're a twat. LOL

I'm retired. If you actually had a job ever in your life and worked at while being smart with money maybe you would too!

Nah you'll just set up your glory hole at the gym


Well, you’re right that I do frequent the gym, but my wife would not appreciate the use of a glory hole. But maybe I could use yours next time I swing by your mom’s house.

By the way, being unemployed is not the same as being retired.


You're right a get a big check which means retired you gotta check with your blowup doll (wife) to leave your house


Are you sure it says “retired” and not “retarded?” I don’t blame you for misreading that.


Nah retarded is you MucousBoy go wrestle an aids patient in a thorn bush


You’re a confirmed sock. Thanks


You're a confirmed cuck. Thanks


You’re not even using the term correctly. No way in hell are you retired. You sound like my middle school friend who thought “cum” meant poop for a solid school year.


Cry more wage slave


You should look up his reasoning for being a registered Dem. He's talked about it. It's not a secret.


Didn't read your list of "facts". Only morons believe what they read on the internet. Your list means nothing.


As opposed to believing what you see on Fox? Give me a break.


Libs suck


Bet you couldn’t change a spare tire to save your life, incel. Grow some chest hair.


I learned how to change a spare when I was 14. Continue sucking libtard


Yea, and I learned quantum theory at age -8. I bet you learned your craft at the same mysterious college MoviechatUser497 earned his two PHD’s. More things that didn’t happen, tonight on Tucker Carlson! Tune in, beta snowflake.


I don't know about any of that. You mentioned the spare tire and I told you when I learned that basic skill.
Democrats are proving how incompetent they are, the world knows now. Your days are numbered.
TRUMP 2024


You talk like lyrics from a FFDP song. “Your days are numbered” is one of the best ways to tell me you’re an incel without actually saying it. You’re delusional if you think Trump has a chance. The dude will be 78 in 2024, plus he’s morbidly obese and eats up to four Big Macs per day with little exercise. Of course, this is only basic logic, and that flies over the empty head of the average conservatard snowflake like yourself. Get laid, incel.


Oops someone's triggered. Did I hit a nerve creampuff.


More cringe buzzwords from the incel. If anyone’s triggered, it’s you. Facts and logic bruh. I guess you’re done here.


"No, I'm just gettin' started!!" - Al Pacino, Scent of a Woman.

Something you've probably never smelled, being on lockdown in your mom's basement. 😉




Liberal pawn? He’s one of the biggest examples of getting down on your knees and opening your mouth super wide for that Republican cock! Even if he was “secretly” a democrat, he’s the biggest sellout ever.

IMHO, he’s an “entertainer”. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s astounding to me that anyone would take his word more seriously than an issue of The National Inquirer.


The biggest piece of proof I see is that he has successfully convinced republicans to be anti-vax. He has single-handedly caused the deaths of thousands of trump voters.


Exactly. Is he not a genius? He is convincing single-digit IQ trumpers to accidently kill themselves, thus giving the left the upper hand.
