MovieChat Forums > Justin Hartley Discussion > Could this guy be Captain America?

Could this guy be Captain America?

Whaddya think?


Never!! He is too complicated and much more insecure.... I don't think this guy could play someone so secure and good.. this guy needs the ups and downs to perform in a congenial way and keep up the constant followers .... what would you do to be Captian America... you must loose who you are an become?? Dare and reveal...


I think Justin could totally be Cap, he has the look,the height, the build...could put on a bit more muscle..but yeah he is an awesome actor and could CAPture our first avenger very well...he was my first choice when i heard they were doing the movie..besides if joe johnston has his head on straight he will for sure have him do a reading..fingers crossed!


Looks may count but that is superficial.... you need someone who knows the character inside and out... right now jh is interested in what he is doing and is commited to that... I admire a man who can stick to his business and not falter.... to leave what has been sucessful to him now would be a knife in the throat... and besides, he surely doesn't want to play superheros all the time... granted he is perfect for adventure and sci fi types of roles... also the romantic but you guys arent intersted in that are you??? LOL LOL seriously, let him decide where his future is... I am sure you would want that if your were a famous or fortunate actor.... right????


I thought he would've made a great choice for Cap, but they went with a guy who's already played another character in the Marvel universe, which is just ridiculous to me...




Marvel's basically acting like the FF movies were never made (can't blame them, even if I thought Evans completely nailed the Johnny Storm character and Chiklis did the same with Ben Grimm; the rest of those movies were pretty terrible) but if Evans were to bow out of the Cap role I do think Hartley has the chops to play Steve Rogers easily, especially in a few years when he's older.

Couldn't blame Hartley if he didn't want to pick up another comic book character role though, they do tend to overwhelm actors' careers (one of the reasons Bale only wanted to do three Batman movies at most).

That said I'm a little sad Hartley won't be playing Green Arrow in the upcoming series but I understand them wanting to kill the idea that it is set in the same continuity as the Smallville TV series.


would definitely be a perfect Captain America & Johnny Storm. but its kinda too late now...


Hey, hey, I can totally see that! I mean, I've liked Chris Evans in a lot of other roles, but I never liked him for Cap. He doesn't look the part, and what they did to his poor hair was just sad. Hartley actually does look the part, and he makes a partial face mask look so good it kept Smallville alive for four extra seasons. It's not like the acting in this particular case is much of a challenge, either. He would have been great for Cap, too bad that didn't happen.

He'd probably make a pretty good Booster Gold, too.
