looks like..

holy crap he kinda looks like jenson ackles haha i thought that was him on smallville! damn.. haha anyone agree


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Sort of I think he looks a little like Ben Affleck. But a lot slimmer. lol


^ i agree with both of you, but i reckon he look more like Jensen, because he's hot.

"I may not be perfect, but parts of me are pretty awesome"


No way! Jensen is sooo much hotter! :D


Reminds me of Eddie Haskell from "Leave it to Beaver"

~*Nothing gets the blood pumping like a good fall down the steps.*~


I change my mind after watching Thursday episode of "Smallville" lol.

~*Nothing gets the blood pumping like a good fall down the steps.*~


agreed... hes so cute esp his smile.


it was dark when i was watching it i did think it was Jensen.. but then i QUICKLY realised it wasn't.. Jensen is a bit hotter.. although i wouldnt kick Justin outta bed hahahahaha -i kidd, i kidd-


ok i don't!!

now it might sound cocky but is it really cocky if you know that it's true...
