New Chad?

President Vladimir V. Putin has ordered Russian troops into Ukraine but made clear his target goes beyond his neighbor to America’s “empire of lies,” and he threatened “consequences you have never faced in your history” for “anyone who tries to interfere with us.”

In a rambling speech early Thursday, full of festering historical grievances and accusations of a relentless Western plot against his country, Mr. Putin reminded the world that Russia “remains one of the most powerful nuclear states” with “a certain advantage in several cutting edge weapons.”

Western empires love their consumerism too much and won't do much to interfere. They preach Democracy and shout behind their walls calling the attack unjust while unable to do a single thing. Woke vs Chad. Just goes to show dictators with nukes won't flinch to use them if there is a national security interest involved.

Putin copied US tactics pretty decently as well. Used cruise missiles from the Black Sea to take out air defenses, military infrastructure and airports to deny anti-air and air assets before proceeding to move in with mechanized infantry, paratroopers, and mass waves of helicopters along with jets. This isn't the old Russia of before. All those Javelins, NLAWS, Turkish drones, and Stringers hardly did much casualties.

Zelensky may be a good orator unlike Putin's speech but he is a terrible wartime president. His government is going to be soon dissolved and replaced with a Putin puppet. I suggest you adopt a Ukrainian wife before they're captured by the drunk slaves of the Far East.


But what if there is in fact a western plot?
Surely you are aware that USA has been expanding its empire for a long while now?

What democracy are you talking about after the last 2 years, when every 'liberal woke' nation had disregarded human rights of its citizens and barred many from work/travel? Mind you, many of these western nations still bar people from work/travel due to vaxx mandates - vaxx which does not stop the spread of the virus. I assume you are on board with that, given your post which completely ignores these facts.

What democracy are you talking about when the US had overthrown plenty of democratically elected leaders in various countries in its regime-change ventures? Heck, it did just that in Ukraine (2014) as well - lol It didn't work out too well in Venezuela/Syria/Kazakhstan though @@

I do agree with your last 2 paragraphs.


US hegemony has always been there. Sure they've got some new bases in Syria and Iraq but that's as far as it goes for recent times. They've already pulled out of Afghanistan. What other expansions are you talking about? They've had 800+ military installations since the end of WW2. The only so-called expansion would be ex-Soviet nations wanting protection from an aggressive Putin. No one really believes that Putin thinks NATO allies at the border are a threat else he would've attacked the Baltic states as well. Besides, Ukraine hasn't attack Russia once for as long as I have been alive.

Eh, I never said I was for mandates, pretty sure I was clear about that. I am pro-choice for the most part.

The people have spoken, even if he was Democratically elected, he got ousted after wanting to be Pro-Putin puppet instead. Only a minority didn't like it which were the Russians to the East. Zelensky won 7x% of the vote. Dictators on the other hand get 90%+ of the votes.


Putin would be a better leader of the world than Sleepy Joe


Putin would never dare drop a nuclear bomb. Only country that ever has in wartime is USA (with the backing of Britain and France), so all this chad Putin talk is nonsense. He’s an old, crazy fool who’s trying to build a legacy before the reaper comes for him.
