MovieChat Forums > Stormy Daniels Discussion > DNC Presidential Candidate, 2020!

DNC Presidential Candidate, 2020!

Stormy Daniels is the perfect figurehead for the Democratic Party.




I think Stormy is a good frontrunner for the Demoncraps. There are a few other possibilities, like Maxine Waters and Ellen DeGeneres; maybe Louis Farrakhan.


boom there it is ...
any political discussion online, results in politicians or their parties being referred to with the most infantile puns imaginable.
I dont know why this is , its weird - its only politics . no other subject . It must be what people feel strongly about i guess.
British tabloid newspapers pride themselves on shit puns , but they've got nothing on online politic discussions.

"Demoncraps" thats a good one :)

ooh , ive just seen your post below , 2 more! boom!
thats 3 in a row , a hat trick

wait , ive just read it fully , i didnt see the "HeyLIARy" thats 4! you are the gattling gun of shitty politics puns!
That last ones a bit strained though dont you think?


I wonder how he feels about others calling his political party 'Rapeuglycunts'. Would he commend the wordplay, or hypocritically take offense?


Experienced, qualified, and female just like Hillary.


Careful, you're gonna stir up the ire of loony LIEberals and DemonKKKraps (one-and-the-same) who thought HeyLIARy would've made a great president.
