MovieChat Forums > Rita Ora Discussion > Paula Abdul syndrome?

Paula Abdul syndrome?

... back when Paula Abdul first came out, there was a minor lingering controversy as to her ethnic background. She got a lot of coverage in R&B/Soul black-culture magazines, and R&B radio for various songs. lots of people operated on the presumption that she was "mixed".. of course, it came out that she claimed her father was of Syrian background, and her mom French Canadian.

I can see a similar controversy with Rita Ora, and her hip-hop/R&B oriented music and image..

We'll see if she becomes an enduring personality. Good luck to her.

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"
Stan Lee, 1962


She's Albanian. There's no doubt.


Syrians are Caucasian. Paula isn't likely to be mixed.


Tell that to all the people who hate the Syrian refugees.

Always look for the positive in every situation.


Tell that to all the people who hate the Syrian refugees.

Sorry, but facts are facts. They're Caucasian whether some like it or not.


Yeah, Stan Leibowitcz was the first guy to say that. Sure.


She’s Albanian…they’re from Europe.
