
He and his "husband" had it in March. I can't stand the dude or his dumb show, but anyway think he's recovered.


I really wish more well-known people had announced it when they were actually sick. Tons of people have spent the last six months convinced that it couldn't touch them or anyone they care about, maybe if he and other celebrities who announced it late had shared the news earlier, a few more people would have worn masks and washed their hands.

Too late now!


People have the right to privacy when it comes to anykind of illness.


Yes, they have the right to choose between being open about such an illness, or being private.

I just wanted to point out that being open might have helped other people.


Masks don't work. Science has established that fact, yet they have become a political icon of the left.


Then why do surgeons wear masks in the operating room?

Here's a hint, it's to keep germs from going out, not coming in...


No need for the inverted commas Adam, he's legally married to his husband. It's not a matter of opinion anymore :)


He's legally "married" to his husband. The quote marks are a matter of celestial fact.

But we understand why you would disagree.


We do, do we?

Thanks, Queen Elizabeth.
