MovieChat Forums > Jamie Chung Discussion > And some people wonder why I'm into Asia...

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It's no wonder, it's just a matter of (us having good) taste (and not other people).

DBE: 'I am.. Goku... I.. am Oozaru... To be at one with myself I must be two...'


Absolutely, she is one of the hottest women ever, she, Lucy Liu and the chick that played Zebrawoman in Zebraman 2.


She is one of the hottest women and one of the hottest Asians in Hollywood.


I've always thought Jamie was a very beautiful woman. She was my favorite cast member in Real World: San Diego and i was mad she didn't get as much screen time as some of the others. She's the reason i kept watching the season. And im glad she is an actress now. Good for her.


I never got into The Real World so I first saw her in Samurai Girl and have been head over heels ever since, I still say they should have made that into a series.

But hell yeah, Asians are my #1 ethnic fetish, I love em.

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