MovieChat Forums > Jamie Chung Discussion > Briefly went to high school with her...

Briefly went to high school with her...

...and I suppose it's no surprise that she was one of the most popular girls in school. Even as a freshman, the upperclassmen were all up on her.

I'm actually surprised she went into acting. She was a T-shirt & jeans cheery girl-next-door type, and wasn't at all into drama. One of my friends said she was a total math nerd -- I wasn't in her math class, so I couldn't say. But she did date the class treasurer. I guess it's no surprise she studied economics in college. Good thing she did too, because I saw one episode of Samurai Girl and, though I have to say she was good at most anything she tried, acting isn't one of them.

Anyone else on these threads a Lowell Cardinal from 1997 to 2001?


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that's cool. she seems kind of down to earth and nice to know she was t-shirt and jeans girl.

the guy she dated, what did he look like? cute? asian? white? lol.


He was a preppy Asian, and just as popular as her. His last name is Ching, and I remember when he was campaigning for class treasurer, he would yell in the school's courtyard, "Who are you voting for treasurer?!" And Jamie would yell back, "CHA-CHING!" They were ridiculously cute together.

...I just Googled him, and it looks like he's an accountant in Sacramento. I'm somehow not surprised, LOL.


haha aww sound totally cute. how supportive of her he was. what kind of personality do u think she had? did ppl talked bad about her or aything?


Wow, didn't realize there was a reply, sorry!

She was generally well-liked by everyone in school. She mostly hung out with the popular group, but she didn't limit her socializing to one circle. It was actually funny to watch, but she would greet just about everyone she walked by.


Im not surprised. She seems very down to earth.
