MovieChat Forums > Alison Brie Discussion > Name any actress who looks better than A...

Name any actress who looks better than Alison Brie

I have to say I can't find any name...thoughts?


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Mila Kunis


I think Mila Kunis's beauty is overrated, but to each his own. There are plenty of east european women who look like her or better than her, especially without make up (for example east european tennis women, many are gorgeous like Ana Ivanovic). I'm not saying she is not good looking, just that I feel like I've seen hundreds of pretty women who look like her or who don't have anything less than her. I can't say the same about Alison Brie and for me she is truly unique, but maybe there is a country or a part of the world where Alison Brie is considered "another good looking woman".


Madchen Amick, especially back in her Twin Peaks days.


Very interesting example.

If we talk about Twin Peaks, the casting was indeed one of the prettiest ever seen on tv. The actresses were all pretty, cute and hot at the same time, very clasy women, that is also what comes to mind when I see Alison Bree. How can people like kim kardashian, megan fox and other vulgar women when you have these ?I wonder...

Anyway among the Twin Peaks casting, Madchen Amick is the one who is the best looking nowadays, Sheryl Lee is second imo...
But back in 1992 I think Sherylin Fenn was the prettiest of the group. In fact if you ask me, I would say (during Twin Peaks) :
1 Sherilyn Fenn (Audrey)
2 Sheryl Lee (Laura/Maddy)
3 Lara Flynn Boyle (Donna)
4 Madchen Amik (Shelly)
...but for me even Sherilyn Fenn in Twin Peaks can't compare to Alison Brie now, so ofc Madchen Amik neither.
But to each his own !


ugh boy, man you're just asking to get pummeled when making a thread like this lol

and trust me, Brie is currently my #1 dream girl in the world, but anonymous message board users can't friggin WAIT to tell you how wrong you are in a given opinion.


I don't think I'll get pummeled, people will agree (like you, nice choice btw^^) or not, if they don't they will give some name(s).
I mean people have the right to find someone else more beautiful and I won't feel pummeled if they do, to each his own. Ofc there may be a troll someday but so far no one came to troll or insult me or to say "omg OP you have poor taste etc...".
