MovieChat Forums > Alison Brie Discussion > Disappointed in her vodka commercial.

Disappointed in her vodka commercial.

She's better than selling hard liqor. She's as bad as Mila Kunis now!

Yeah, she took the big paycheck for a few hours of work.

Plus Annie selling booze is wrong.


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You're just wrong here:

She's not, "better than selling hard liquor", or she wouldn't be doing it. Plus, what the hell does that even mean?

And there is nothing "wrong" with selling booze. You don't like booze, great, don't buy or drink it.


She is better than that, though. And, yeah, it's kinda bad. Like Billy Dee selling Malt 45.


The proof that she isn't, better than that, is that she's doing it.

See, she doesn't necessarily have to live up to your expectations.


OK, first off, she isn't Annie. Annie was a character she played. Secondly, just because she's doing something you don't agree with doesn't mean she's wrong. You're not the Center of the Universe. You aren't the one that gets to set the Standard about what's Right or Wrong. So, in short, shut the *beep* up.


Geez buddy, calm the F down. The OP is entitled to their opinion. I could be wrong, but it sounds like the OP basically is calling her a sell out for doing a vodka commercial. I don't care either way, as I am all for seeing more Alison Brie on TV, but we are entitled to our onions.
"I knew you'd like it, I've been working on it all day."


I am disappointed in the commercials, but not for the same reasons as you. She can sell liquor if she wants. Don't mind that. My issue is that she looks so freakin dumb in these commercials.


Man there are some lame, uptight sissies in this world
