I might as well

join in here as I have been forced to watch Arrow and tbh if you delete the first 5 episodes , it's not too bad.

Personally , I was stunned by the wooden acting but now as I am midway through season 2 I can admit this show is very watchable.
Trouble is, they still have Katie Cassidy in it.

After the shocking 'new look' in season 2, I was even more shocked by even more frozen faced acting.
I would love to know why the eff she is still in this , the woman is about to break.

EVery other character ,with the exception of 'Thea'(I shtill have my brashesh aahn), does a passable job with this tale.
But when ever this woman's face takes over the screen I find my self laughing at the alien head she has requested from the Hollywood surgeons.

I mean from every eff in angle she looks like a Roswell..and worst of all, coming here and finding that David Cassidy is her dad....I'm almost speechless.
I thought she was about 45!

I'm just curious but, if Hollywood is made up mostly of Jewish men, why do all the women have to be blonde 44DD matchsticks?
Misogynist mother issues?
Where did this 'standard' come from?


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Lol WOW, I really haven't noticed her altered looks at all. I'll have to research that asap. Maybe it's because of how many hiatus' these shows take. I've always loved her personally but jeesh, maybe she's just NOT meant to play Black Canary after all.


We’d all be better off if you were speechless, OP.
