Did she want out??

Or was it the producers??

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Judging by her reaction, I don't think it was her choice.

Which is a shame because the CW loves her, so I think it's purely because her character hasn't been too likeable to the audience (I infact love her flaws) but either way it's a horrible decision to kick her off the show.

But now she can jump the sinking ship


In all honesty the Arrow hasn't been the same since it became the "Olicity" show, and the Arrow has turned into a big wuss! I can't stand how Arrow is now, and loved him in the first season, he's become Felicity's b!tch and its ruining the show LITERALLY! Well since Katie isn't on the show anymore I think I will quit watching now, I think Katie was getting bored w/just folding her arms all the time and having 2 or 3 sentences (if she was lucky) in whatever scene she was in. I liked Felicity first season, but the character changed (the writers made it all about her) into this know it all- THEN when they hooked Felicity w/Oliver it just got worst. The Flash, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Marvel's Agents of Shield are so freaking much better than this soap opera of a show. I wonder if Amell is happy w/his show Arrow b/c he's just a freaking robot for Felicity and her lapdog now. I miss the kick-ass action this show use to have back in the day. Well GOOD-BYE Arrow so done, ya'll made HUGE mistake taking Katie Cassidy off the show - I loved her as the Black Canary, and she worked so hard to become a good fighter - thanks Nyssa for helping Laurel w/those fighting moves - I will miss Laurel, she really became such a independent woman after she fell down she got back up and became a stronger woman... Felicity w/her arrogant "I'm the smartest person in the room" attitude can have this sinking ship of a show b/c I think Katie is better off - also Katie Cassidy is such a better actress than Emily B. Rickards that's for damn sure. I can't believe how I use to look forward to each week of the Arrow, but things changed around the 2nd mid-season of the show. Sorry so long and the rant, just pissed off! GOOD LUCK KATIE - U ROCK ! LOVED U ON SUPERNATURAL AS WELL :)



Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Wow!!! So glad I didn't watch this season and now I'm definitely won't watch this show.
Has she has any future projects?


When I heard she was in the show and I knew of her character, which was linked to Black Canary, I was soooo happy. Loved her in Melrose and she was great as Ruby in Supernatural. I wanted to see her kicking ass again. Then, we got that Laurel disaster.

Arrow was a boring show from the beginning with the whole Island of Lost and the forever present flashbacks. Coupled with Felicity, which I never liked, and now Katie getting out, I am not binge watching the show in Netflix.


Yeah im pretty much done with it the last episode I saw was when she died.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I'd say the stupid producers - Guggenheim and Mericle who made this epic disaster of a decision. Katie was upset at killing off her character, she put so much effort into the role and then just as she was coming full BC they kill her off. They ruined Arrow and it's now Felicity and Friends show, I stopped watching after they killed Laurel off. The worst decision ever made by show - and the ratings tanked afterwards.

Arrow Time of death 11:59
RT #NoLaurelNoArrow
Long Live Laurel Lance


My thoughts exactly dude. She was doing fine as the BC and I wonder why they killed her of all people, I loved seeing Katie in that outfit with that mask. Now I dont think I will watch again.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!
