MovieChat Forums > Katie Cassidy Discussion > Way too talented to be so underused, can...

Way too talented to be so underused, can we get her a show please???

Seriously, any show would be instantly better with her on it btwn Harpers Island and Melrose place, she blows all of her fellows actors out of the water!

Happy Birthday Katie, miss you!!!


I completely agree! She was the best ever guest star Gossip Girl ever hired. She needs her own show as the lead.

If the apocalypse comes, beep me.


It's her damn agent and PR agency... they suck. When you're not getting quality work, and you're a quality actress, that is as bad as it gets. I think highly of Katie, but she needs to find another agency.

That's a WAR CRY, mofo.


hopefully one day her talent will be properly noticed


She's possibly the most memorable guest star in Supernatural and Gossip Girl.

Eat my shorts!


she needs more work.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


no its because she sucks. She constantly forgets her lines and has to ask for multiple takes on set. She's not talented...hate to say it. I've worked as an extra on Melrose place and she was just terrible.


It's funny you say that and then list "Melrose Place" as your example. When it's been said many times, she was the one who carried the show. :|

"My Date with the President's Daughter"


Of course she carried the show, she's friggin AMAZING. So what if she forgets a line here or there. Shatner used cue cards the entire time Star Trek on lmao.

Bottom line, she's incredible, she brings fire, passion, and grace to every role she plays. and she's drop dead gorgeous.

And for those of you who dont know, she's going to be playing Dinah Lance (Black Canary) in the upcoming CW series "Arrow". Which I might add will now be paired with Supernatural on Wednesday nights lol.
