MovieChat Forums > Katie Cassidy Discussion > Please EAT something.

Please EAT something.


Fact: 31.5% of IMDb users wanted Avatar to win Best Picture.
Fact: 31.5% of IMDb users are idiots.


I guess you have not seen this yet

She is not sick or anything,Laurel's look was just for this season of arrow Katie is healthy. She has great cheekbones

I use to own this town Now my life's been turned upside down Just a phase I'm going through


Regardless for a role or not she looks awful! I cringe when she comes on the screen :/


Why would it being for a role not matter? Actors lose and gain weight for roles all the time. You should really get over yourself.


Have you, and everyone else saying things like this, never seen her older stuff? When she was on supernatural for instance, she was a twig. She has gained weight. She most certainly does not look terrible.


She's been working out 6 days a week/3 hours a day for the role as well which is more than most of us do. If she still looks skinny to someone that's just her body type. It doesn't matter how much she eats if she's working out a lot she's not going be like she was in season 1 or before.


Her upper half is ok the problem is when I have to look at her lower half, when I see her twig like legs I feel like I want to vomit, I wish she wouldn't were tight jeans on that show, just stick to skirts.

Let alone the fact that they expect us to believe that somone that thin could be physicly strong enough to fight somone, let alone a man.

And you could say the same for willa holland.


She needs to work on those legs,but overall She is in much better shape than our current Wonder Woman Gal Gadot

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING choiah boi compahed tu me ah choiah boi


Another wise guy. If you don't like the way she looks, don't watch stuff she's in. Also, put down that burger.
