MovieChat Forums > Katie Cassidy Discussion > Why doesn't she use her real name

Why doesn't she use her real name

Why doesn't she use her real name "David Cassidy's shadow"


Is that suppose to be a compliment or an insult?
She does look alot like her father!


That comment is suppose to mean that she is only famous because of her father and her last name


A last name doesn't do anything except get them in the door Kirk Douglas is father of Michael Douglas and his other brothers are relatively unknown, Jane and Peter Fonda followed in their father's footsteps but they made names for themselves. If an actor is not a good actor know amount of nepotism is going to help Bing Crosby had had four sons from his first marriage and they all acted as did his daughter from a second marriage but they never made it big, two of his sons committed suicide.

Bing Crosby's daughter Mary Crosby had her 15 minutes of fame when her character was revealed to have shot JR on the original "Dallas"

Your post is rather odd, actors Jack Cassidy and Evelyn Ward are David Cassidy's parents, actor/singer Shirley Jones was his step-mother and she played his mother on "The Partridge Family". Not to mention that her half uncle Shaun Cassidy is also an actor, producer and writer, I remember him from "The Hardy Boys" and I liked the series he produced called "Cold Case" which ran for several years, I don't watch "Blue Bloods" but he's written and produced for that series and it's in it's third season. Her other uncle Patrick Cassidy is also an actor.

Most of her family were or are in the entertainment business grand-parents, parents and her other relatives some people just follow in the family business.

My neighbor is butcher and he followed in the family business which goes back four or five generations.

Cassidy is a famous Hollywood name, SAG list 120,000 members only 60,000 of them work according to the Dept. of Labor, if she or anyone else has a leg up on the competition more power to them. At the end of the day if her acting isn't any good she wouldn't keep getting hired, she still has to audition for roles just like any other young actor.

I have a few friends who act and only one of them gets steady work in television and movies they show on basic cable but she averages two television and two films a year but she goes on hundreds of auditions some actors only book one project a year, so using anything to an actors advantage helps e.g. name or networking with the right people.

I don't have a problem with these actors using family connections, people do it in all walks of life.

Movies will make you famous; Television will make you rich; But theatre will make you good.


Your post is the one that makes no sense. The people you are talking about were RAISED by their families. Kirk Douglas was in Michael's life. Same goes for the Fondas and the Crosbys and your silly butcher story.

What we have here is a unplanned pregnancy where the child had limited contact with her biological father. She was raised by her stepfather. Katie Cassidy did not have a relationship with Shirley Jones or any of the other Cassidys that you are so quick to call her uncles. The Cassidys are NOT her family in usual sense of the word.

This is not nepotism. Nepotism is when you grant family and friends favoritism without merit. The Cassidys have nothing to do with this girl's life. They are not helping her with her career.

What happened here is this greedy family wanted to cash in on the Cassidy name. Being knocked up by a Cassidy wasn't enough. If this girl wanted to "make a name for herself" as she keeps saying, she would not have recorded her father's song without his approval or input. She is using a name that she has little claim to in order to further her career. Disgusting.

Using family connections is only acceptable when they are truly your family.

The people you idolize wouldn't like you.


The person is a troll. The name Cassidy will perhaps get you in the door, but it doesn't get you auditions or even the role. That comes down to winning the part by proving you are the best person for the role. Katie's parents in fact made he move out on her own at 18 if she wanted to pursue acting, they made her do it the hard way. In fact, Katie rarely talks about her father unless the interviewer raises the subject. Again, ignorant people making crap up as they go along.

I think some of these people who post such crap are just angry with the world because they didn't get the same opportunities. Well perhaps good comes to those who are prepared to work for it, and I think Katie works hard and has paid her dues, success is hers.


A last name doesn't do anything except get them in the door

Oh yeah? Tell that to Jaden Smith. The little freak wouldn't be known at all if he didn't have famous parents.

dies ist meine unterschrift
