MovieChat Forums > Katie Cassidy Discussion > Does anybody like her on arrow?

Does anybody like her on arrow?

I always hear arrow fans bashing her. I watched every episode and i didnt have a problem with her.


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she's a talented actress who is very beautiful and does a good job at her job. beyond that, people are looking too much into it, thinking too much about it, and showing a clear lack of anything else going in their lives. sad....but 2013


She is bashed a lot, but none of those people can come up with a valid reason why they dislike her. A number of them feel that she is a bad actress, and yet none of them can come up with examples.

I think she's just fine. She's no Ingrid Bergman or Meryl Streep, but so what. She does a great job with the role. I have no problem with her at all.

It's true that I never read responses.


I like her on the show and with Ollie. I knew everyone would not feel the same but I did not expect the absolute hate filled garbage that is spewed about everything from her looks to the smallest detail of what her character does on the show. People seem to love to bash women especially if they are pretty, they are either too thin or too fat.


they said bad things about Katie? I hear things about Laurel only, is normal, they've always hate on the love interest. It was the same in Smallville, shippers always hate Lana and later Lois cuz they've wanted Clark with Chloe, in arrow is Oliver with Felicity.

I love Katie since 2006 and follow her career to the years and i don't really like Laurel too.


They probably don't like her because she's terrible in Arrow. Totally wooden, worst actress I've seen in a long time.


"they said bad things about Katie? I hear things about Laurel only, is normal, they've always hate on the love interest. It was the same in Smallville, shippers always hate Lana and later Lois cuz they've wanted Clark with Chloe, in arrow is Oliver with Felicity."

Maybe yes, maybe no...

Lana on Smallville was terrible... I mean, the character and Kristin

But the fans dont hate Lois or Erica.

The same on Arrow, Laurel (and Katie) both... just terrible.... of course fans will choose Felicity or any other female partner for Arrow
