MovieChat Forums > Ye Discussion > Attention whore

Attention whore

If you travel in the orbit of Kardashian trash, you are considered as having nothing of value to contribute to the culture. I sense a mind ruled by others to mesmerize millions to move in desired directions. His handlers are using quasi-religious overtones with this performer. I avoid anything associated with him.


Do not utter his name as it could be construed as one of the Names of God and he doesn't need any more inflation to his ego. I am fearful some of you will begin to take him for a god. This would be calamitous!


I agree. HIs marriage to Kim (which I believe is over now) was not born out of love and respect, but out of a need to be in the spotlight, same as the Kardashian's need to be in the media. As you said: attention whores everyone of them. And I lost a lot of respect for Bruce Jenner also.


How true
