Where is everyone?

Chlomo! 


Maybe even Chloe's most diehard fans are realizing she isn't interesting to talk about anymore, and she isn't! All she's doing now is making an ass of herself by trying to push some political agenda of hers, by making herself look like some gung-ho feminist, when all she's really doing is revealing herself as a feminine fascist! She doesn't know what the hell she's saying or doing anymore. That cute little kid from Kick-Ass grew up to be an ugly, ignorant young lady who somehow keeps finding work despite all the box office bombs she makes. We should all just forget about Chloe and MOVE ON. She needs to just disappear into obscurity and make Indie films nobody will watch, and we should all talk about a young up-and-coming actress who shows potential. Someone like Joey King, or Lulu Wilson from Ouija: Origins, and she's going to be in Annabelle 2. And for all you perverts out there, she's 11, so behave yourselves! Lulu showed great potential in Ouija, so I think she's taking over now. Joey King deserves to have a flourishing film career as well. Both these girls show more class than Chloe ever did, and they don't have sick, maladjusted perverts following them.


We should all just forget about Chloe and MOVE ON
You first, go. You should start with you twitter. I mean responding to every little tweets she makes? Blocking every person who challenge you little hate account? Poor little fat snowflake needs his safespace I guess.


Hem, she's at her best now. She's finally a true actress, and not only a "celebrity". And on Chlomo they all waiting for her next move. It's a gossip site, there is nothing to say so they not post nothing. That's all. The same goes for Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Lawrence etcetera...

Explorer, you are a sick person.
That's not only my opinion, unfortunatly.


Both these girls show more class than Chloe ever did, and they don't have sick, maladjusted perverts following them.

Of course they do. Dont be stupid.



Well you would know.
