MovieChat Forums > Chloë Grace Moretz Discussion > What happens to my posts?

What happens to my posts?


This message has been deleted by an administrator


This message has been deleted by an administrator


Uhh.. No, There is an obsessed Chloe fan who has admin privileges who deletes every negative Chloe comment on this board. Has nothing to do with the rules.


If this board is only full of stupid and moronic posts,
I don't find so strang that the staff delete them.


Like asking what happened to Little Mermaid? My post was deleted immediately 15 hours after the last sweep of the boards. Also moronic posts should be ones like posting instagram photos and talking about licking her feet and so on. Those posts never get deleted but yet credible ones do. Anything that even so much as mentions a freckle on her body that is deemed ugly or that she is not a goddess, is heresy and must be purged from this board. This board is worse than the NSA when it comes to protecting the beloved Chloe Moretz.


Like asking what happened to Little Mermaid?
Simply put: Chloe stupidly turned it down, went on a long spiel about "taking time off", the literally 2 weeks later she announced her involvement in a remake of Suspiria. And as for Mermaid, they'll find an actress who doesn't need a seashell TRAINING bra.


Chloe Moretz's career is about as credible as Jason Bateman's.


Jason Bateman is almost 30 years older than Chloe,
so that's a MORONIC way of thinking.


She's a Martin Scorsese actress: period.
