MovieChat Forums > Barack Obama Discussion > Worst white guilt nobel ever

Worst white guilt nobel ever

Obama was great on many accounts, but that nobel on face value was the worst white guilt bs I have ever seen.


I recall even Obama was surprised as he was barely in office yet alone done anything.


I think he felt embarassed himself for this crap.

But I guess the prize could have played a positive influence on his 8 years, so maybe it was not that bad afterall.
Still, I don't think a prize, especially one considered the pinnacle of human achievement, should be used to politically influence the course of events.
But maybe I'm wrong, and the nobel prize is there exactly for that reason.


I thought it was odd at the time too. My take wasn't that it was on account of white guilt though, more for the promise of the more enlightened future that Obama represented. Considering the world is more divided now than it ever was, it does seem premature in hindsight.


What enlightened future? Obama proved to be a great president, but up to that point he was just a cool politician who got elected because palin was an unfunny joke of a human being. And almost half of americans still voted for that cunt!

Why would there be any such expectation from him other than he was black? Is his supposed "enlightenment" stemming from his color, as in any "wise savage" tale? And if not, where is this expecation coming from?


Nobels come in cereal boxes these days. They are meaningless.


Yes it was stupid AF.
