
Was Obama really Muslim or at least at one point? People in the media like to scream “NO HE IS NOT MUSLIM,” seemingly to try to divert any implication that Obama acts in the interests of the Middle East. However, it doesn’t make a difference if he is Muslim, Christian or whatever, I just want an honest answer. I’ll respect Obama no matter what his religious beliefs are.


He's Christian.


its not very Christ like to be pro baby murder


He's agnostic at best imo. Politics required an affiliation with Christianity.


Many photos exist of a young Barack Obama in Muslim garb.

Of course, there have been official explanations for these pictures.

Also, his birth father and his stepfather were both devout Muslims. Even if he does not follow the Muslim faith himself, I think it is fair to say he was brought up in that faith to a degree during the years he spent with his father and stepfather, and he certainly has a respect for Muslim customs and traditions. To portray him as a traditional Christian is laughable.


Obomb is a warnonger like Biden


A warnonger?

You’re not the brightest, are you?


Obama is a Christian but as far as I know he is not an active church-goer.

"Interests of the Middle East"? That's not just Obama. America has some fixation with the Middle East. That's why we still have troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. And we are aiding Saudi Arabia in the Yemen civil war.

The U.S. should just pull out of that region. Those countries hate us and we're not wanted there.


I don't think Obama is honest enough with himself to answer that question.


How did Obama act in the Interest of the Middle East ... or more specifically how did Obama act in any way that benefitted the Middle East at the expense of the US?

I am normally a big supporter of Israel, but I think Obama has this Muslim accusation due to Israel disliking that he was not able to be pushed around or did not go out of his way to help Israel. I think the reason Obama did that was mostly to try to convince the Islamic nations that the US was not Israel's puppet, and that we could be trusted to negotiate with them on issues of terrorism and nuclear proliferation, etc. I don't think it worked or changed a thing.

I detest everything about Trump, but I thought his Israel policy of standing up to the Muslim world, by for example moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem was the correct thing to do. But, all Trump did was to carry out another President's promises ... so, it was not his idea, just something he could do for Israel.


He's a secular muslim... secular/progressive by ideology, muslim by heritage (even has a fully muslim name)...

In terms of his foreign policy, he didn't act in the interest of the Middle East, rather he launched wars, changed regimes and created havoc in the name of political islam (Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and the regime in Iran)... He is despised by most Arabs on par with George W Bush... if not worse in some cases...

I doubt he was born in the US, but then again, your new President Harris has foreign parents as well, so it's not like heritage means anything to the American empire anymore...
