MovieChat Forums > Barack Obama Discussion > Poverty increased in the Obama years

Poverty increased in the Obama years

There is a man who makes Youtube videos about homeless people in the USA. He interviews people on the street. This man brought up something interesting, while he says that the ''Reagan'' years lead to social program cuts which worsened poverty most of the homeless crisis especially in California started in the Obama years. The absolute worst of it. Yes the Reagan era had it's own issues because of that pesky Reaganomics but it wasn't as extensive. This really makes you think about things for a minute.

Many crisis workers and social workers who work with poor families report a fairly similar story. The belief is that poverty exploded in the Obama years and wages further declined. Most disturbing is the tuition hikes in the Obama years which have indebted millions.

Makes you think.


Actually, social programs were never cut during the Reagan Administration. The amount of budget increases were decreased, which Democrats lied and call budget cuts. Social program spending actually increased during the Reagan Administration.

And yes. Obama had the longest sustained streak of double-digit poverty rate since the 1950s, along with a true rate of 16% unemployment, if you read the actual monthly reports straight out of this departments. The rate is reported as lower because they don't count people who have run out of benefits and given up on finding jobs as part of the reported rate.


Are you referring to the first 4 years or his 2nd term? Not fair to compare in the first 4 when he had to deal with the financial crisis after Bush ended.
