MovieChat Forums > Barack Obama Discussion > Obama is the Best President in the last ...

Obama is the Best President in the last 50 years...

Successful, Classy, Scandal-Free


yes I agree


You must not have been paying attention.


Ford, Carter, Reagan, HW Bush, Clinton, Dubya, Obama, Trump, Biden

I prefer Reagan for his ideology, but performance-wise, he made several errors. There were also rumors that he was senile during the end of his 2nd term

HW Bush might be the answer?


I liked the old Bush really a lot. Scandal free, basically no war started, except this little intervention in Panama... Definitely more likable than Reagan.


Desert Storm?


Hah, I nearly forgot that one 😊 But that was more help for the allies attacked by Saddam than starting a war, right?


"A little intervention" as you stated?


Compared to wars that last for years...


> I prefer Reagan for his ideology

Then you have no clue about Reagan.


But what did he even do? He did not do anything he campaigned on.

Can you even name something? Or it is just masterly inactivity.


Offhand, there was the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare"), the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, and he repealed Don't Ask, Don't Tell.


Obama signed those bills. If you recall Obama went from talking about Health Care reform, to Health Insurance reform, and he did not submit his own bill, he merely signed the bill that was passed - which did not include a public option.

Obama was a like the Presidential janitor, he cleaned up the Republicans' messes.

I'd say factually that Biden has probably done about the same, maybe a little more than Obama.

No one has the guts to really begin to fix the country by ending the Bush & Trump tax cuts to get the budget in order.
And of course the wars we engage in take money from the tax-payers, add to the debt, do nothing for the country, and serve as an excuse to attack social programs and belay any national spending.

By all the looks of things, the US has been taken over by a Mafia dedicated to destroying democracy and American society and extending that pattern all throughout the world.


The public option was in the bill originally, but was stripped out in order to get it passed. I can't really argue with the "mafia" point you make. We are a nation that is in dire shape.


Max Baucus was the slime bag who made sure ObamaCare never did what it was supposed to. A Democrat too.


Obamacare destroyed my health insurance. Blew up the cost, made it unaffordable, and severely limited the coverage. Fuck obama.


That's a BS lie. No one's insurance went up under Obama, and if by some peculiar circumstance your's did, you had crappy insurance or something else going on. It also expanded coverage and rights as well. A lot of you Right-wing trolls spewed out this stuff to make ObamaCare look bad when it was actually an improvement. Not a great one, but an improvement nonetheless, which is why people fought to keep it.

And so your lost your health insurance and want to take a gamble of Trump's promises ... too bad you would have really used some mental health care.


I hear Trump's health care proposal is coming "in a couple of weeks."


What .... nothing ... his nothing proposal is coming back? How will we tell?


What a rotten liar and victim-blamer you are.


And sorely missed.


LOL, I want a batch of whatever you're smoking. Trump came in and cleaned up Obama's mess in a very short amount of time, only for Diaper Joe to come back in and fuck it all up again.


It's not funny anymore than Republicans make these ridiculous claims.
The Trump tax cuts alone are responsible for the massive deficit and the
inflation we are experiencing. He failed to do anything on Health Care
and in fact kept threatening to destroy what little good Obama did.
He loves coal, so I hope they house him in a prison not to far from a
coal-burning power-plant.


LOL the economy was booming under Trump until Covid. We even had record low African American unemployment and I thought that was a demographic you claimed to have a monopoly of compassion for.

Trump gave everyone who worked a tax cut, and when you cut taxes you increase revenue for not only the people but for the federal government as well because that means people are making more money which means more tax revenue for the government.

If he failed to do anything on health care it was failing to repeal that 5000 page abomination the DemoKKKrats passed in 2009ish, I thought you would have liked that? Are you saying Obamacare is bad?

Ummm, if it weren’t for coal we wouldn’t have power you moron. I love all of these self righteous DemoKKKrats preaching how bad coal is for the environment, blah blah blah, yet they still have no problem reaping the benefits from it. Even after canning the Keystone pipeline, taking away out energy independence, making us dependent on countries sympathetic to radical Islamic terror, we are still not one step closer to sustainable energy.

If we had a fair system Diaper Joe and his crackhead son would already be behind bars. President Trump is now the victim of 5 far left witch hunts (2 fake impeachments, 1 fake 1-6 commission and 2 fake indictments)


The economy was booming - because a bunch of billions went to the rich - that is not booming.


Everyone got a tax cut you liar and the rich were still paying more than everyone else. The bottom 40 percent were still paying nothing, he didn’t raise taxes on anyone. Also the wealthy don’t pay tax hikes they pass it onto the consumer. Record low African American unemployment, isn’t that a good thing? Dumb libtard.


> Everyone got a tax cut you liar and the rich were still paying more than everyone else

Go study percentages, liar. The rich already pay less than everyone else, especially the super-rich. They don't need a tax cut, but most Americans do because inflation is killing them.

You can't pass costs onto the consumer past a certain point because consumers cannot afford to buy certain things. I love how the most ignorant people something thing they will be taken more seriously if the name-call.


The top 1% pay 40% of the tax burden, WTF are you talking about. Trump gave EVERYONE a tax cut, even the people you claim to have a monopoly of compassion for. So let’s get your logic straight: It’s better to give no one a tax cut than everyone a tax cut???

If every corporation is suffering due to tax hikes then they are going to raise the prices or they will lose money, if all prices go up then the consumers have no choice but to pay it or else they will not have gas or baby formula.

Your logic makes no sense at all. Trump gave everyone a tax cut and you seem to be pissy because the wealthy were included in it. The wealthy getting a tax break did not hurt anyone, if anything it helped the middle and lower classes. Read up on basic economics 101 dingleberry.

As for the “name calling” you need to get over it. Conservatives have to worry about being murdered by far left radicals just for walking down the street. Being called a “dingleberry” or a “libtard” pales in comparison.


Go study percentages, liar.


I know about percentages, liar.

So basically it’s better not to give anyone a tax cut rather than give both the poor and the wealthy a tax cut? How does giving a tax cut to the wealthy hurt the poor if their taxes aren’t going up?

You don’t know what you’re talking about, kiddo. Trump was for lowering everyone’s taxes and it seems you are against the tax cuts because the wealthy were included in them.


You know a lot more about lying, liar.
You make up some ridiculous argument and then accuse me of having it and argue that.\
You're a joke.


I see you can’t defend your position or answer simple questions. So fucking pathetic. Deep down you know that President Trump was looking out for the people but you’re too devoted to your cult to admit it.


Scandal free... yeah, if the media controls what will be a scandal and what won't, that's easy for democrat candidates, as we can see again just now.

Question: How many weddings did he drone strike?
Answer: Enough to get the Nobel peace prize.


He was not scandal free and not only that, fueled the flames of scandals, especially in the race department. You'd think America elected a black president would end racism but all Obama did was create a greater racial divide by race baiting every little thing, especially a latino man with a jewish last name defending himself against a violence thug like Trayvon Martin. Obama should literally be in jail for the spying and use of the IRS to intimidate and extort. The definition of a corrupt politician.


If Obama was the best, it is certainly not by much. Not even sure one could say least worst.
Nixon - R
Ford - R
Carter - D
Reagan - R
Bush - R
Clinton - D
Bush - R
Obama - D
Trump - R
Biden - D
All of our modern Presidents have been corporate tools, and lived with the understanding that if they get too far out of line someone will kill them.
The last good President was probably John F. Kennedy.
The last great President was undoubtedly Franklin D. Roosevelt.
That goes a long way back and the lack of great leadership explains the lack of being great and falling into disrepair.

Finally 6 R and 4 D, and the Democrats since Clinton have followed more and more to the Republican path, while the Republicans have gone crazy.


I often fantasize about how different the U.S. would be if Robert Kennedy had lived, he would have won the election and he was a good man.
