MovieChat Forums > Barack Obama Discussion > Obama: "With the rise of AI,we need an U...

Obama: "With the rise of AI,we need an Universal Basic Income"

I agree with him


So....where are you going to get the money so people can get paid whether they work or not?

Hint: the Russians tried it during the Soviet Era and it spawned the phrase, "You pretend to pay us, we'll pretend to work."

By the way, Obama is the poster child for "Socialist until you get rich."


Get goods and services, not money? Automation etc has improved since Soviet.


"Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money."

--Margaret Thatcher

Just because it has a cute acronym, doesn't mean you aren't being sold the same BS.




You really don't understand how supply chains or economies work, do you?

Americans are already heavily taxed so people on welfare (including over 11 million illegal aliens that shouldn't even be here) can get free money for sitting on their asses and popping out babies to get more money. There are so many people cheating the welfare system that it's on the verge of collapse, and you have the nerve to expect Americans to pay more taxes so everyone can get a few measly hundred dollars every month? Seriously? Do you see the illogic of that idea? America's money is not infinite, you know! We're already heavily in debt with quite a few other nations because we've had to borrow trillions of dollars in the past 30 years.

Not to mention the federal govt. has been robbing the American taxpayers for over 50 years once they found out they could get away with it.


Money is not the limitation (money has little/no intrinsic value), it's the commodities/natural resources required to produce the goods/services that might be a limitation.

People can stop working/producing, the machines/computers/AI/robots etc will be producing instead, i.e. transforming commodities/natural resources etc into goods/services people need/want to consume.


And who's going to maintain the AI? Who is going to continue working the jobs that AI's are not capable of? Who is going to collect the raw resources? And how is America going to combat its massive debt on top of all that?

Obama is a rich asshole and a traitor to America. People like him (and those who believe his every lie) really should get their heads out of the clouds [and out of his ass] and take a look at the real world and realize that UBI is the same kind of pipe dream as communism; it will not work, it will never work, and it will bankrupt America and destroy her.

So quit defending him and this bullshit.


A fraction of the workers working today.

Machines/robots etc collect the raw resources.

Inflate the debt into nothing.

Communism could work with better tech.


It's because the bulk of the labor was transferred to HUMANS slaving away at factories in China and the Caribbean, dingus. AI had nothing to do with that. But keep on believing "AI" is making all the products you use today.

Now, North Korea is to the NW, Cuba is to the south. Have a nice life if you wanta see what "UBI" and "AI" can do for people. Oh, and by the way, if I'm getting smaller, it's because I'm leaving the room. Good day.


Technology will replace workers working today, including China etc.

North Korea, Cuba are primitive commies.


How does the existence of AI imply that a Universal Basic Income is somehow needed?

When you give people free money, some will use it wisely while a lot of people will not. Then we're right back where we started with haves and have-nots. Sorry to destroy the fantasy, but one of the things money can't fix is the decisions people make when they have it.


The state has, everyone are given what they need?


Thank you! I'm trying to make it clear that free money is as much a fantasy as socialism actually working. But nobody will listen to me or crack open an F-ing history book!



What if you want to live on Pluto?

Or outside the Milky Way? On an asteroid belt?😀😀😀😀


“With the rise of…

…constitutional amendments…
…slaves being freed…
…the family…
…global cooling…
…peak oil…
…global food shortages…
…new ice ages…
…home computers…
…Morton Downey Jr’s…
…compact discs…
…Howard Sterns…
…acid rains…
…Clarence Thomas…
…Rush Limbaugh…
…ozone holes…
…worst economies since the depressions…
…White House interns giving bjs…
…Fox News…
…hanging chads…
…smart phones…
…white supremacists…
…crypto currency…
…black economic independence…
…the common cold errr covid…
…orange insurrections…
…bake sales…
…the use of the words low key and vibe…
…social media…
…smart phones…
…Elon Musks…
…less children being trafficked…
…Joe Rogans…

…”we need more communism” - The Democrat media/party
