The Avengers

Matt Smith would be a fantastic Steed if they do remake the avengers

Its happy hour again and again and again.


Could not agree more. How about Karen Gillian as Mrs. Peel?


Perfect combo

Its happy hour again and again and again.


How about Karen Gillian as Mrs. Peel?How about giving him some space from Dr Who!

Sorry, I don't mean to be harsh, he was amazing in Dr Who and he'd probably be a damn fine dandy Mr Steed but putting him with Karen again wouldn't be allowing him to move away from The Doctor role. Let him prove himself as a varied actor and not just lump him with his Who co-stars again. Can't that be left on Tumblr and in fan fiction?


I like that idea.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)
