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I found it really disturbing. Wait, is that a cut and paste from my post on tumblr????

Anyway, I vehemently don't do real life shipping (other than Matt and Arthur for ironic and rebellious reasons) but it made me wonder if he and Karen *did* have a night stand, casual sex, whatever...and she got all girly on him and he was too busy doing the rock star/girls throw themselves at me thing. Someone on the Doctor Who board said she knew some people he went to school with and they said he was a player so that's why that entered my head canon.

Or hell, maybe she just meant he had BO.

AMY:What are you going to do?
DOCTOR:What I always do. Stay out of trouble. Badly.


Oooooo ok because I had cut and pasted the quote from the master Q & A post and added the Q part and the A part...

True about people doing the "so and so knew him" thing. I'm gullible but I also don't find it too hard to believe just because he's been quoted A LOT calling both Karen and Jenna hot and just seems like such a...GUY.

They ended up answering some fun questions for the Who & A. I thought it was hilarious that they fought about which character would win a snowball fight.

I pretty much stick to the IMDB Doctor Who board. Good, smart, opinionated people on there and I think only one person has made me want to put him on ignore.

AMY:What are you going to do?
DOCTOR:What I always do. Stay out of trouble. Badly.


I assume Matt was joking and Jenna was going along with it.

If your life had a face I would punch it!


Jenna has a boyfriend though.


yeah to Richard Madden, she's got it good.
I don't think I see anything going on between Jenna and Matt.
Never thought Matt was a player, but I could kinda see it now. Him and Karen seem like "something" happened between the two of them .
