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Maggie Siff on Or, and Being Don Draper’s Soul Mate

Vulture interview. depen.html


What a great interview. It's always a breath of fresh air to read an interview with an actress that actually has a brain. She was phenomenal in Or,.


I agree. I usually skip interviews with celebrities, but she's a thoughtful person who's willing to discuss ideas with a bit of depth. (Not as much in this interview, but in others I've read.) I really enjoy her on SOA—interesting character!


When Don asked her to run away with him, I thought that what his smartest move in the entire series.

If I was Don, I'd take Sally and Bobby, and go live with Rachel (Siff) on an island the rest of my life. What a woman. Well, maybe a small town. Might need someone hot and resourceful, like Joan on a desert island. Ok, enough of the fantasizing with the ladies of Mad Men. Damn Weiner, you have more hot women on one season of MM, than all the years on Sopranos.


I'm almost finished of the first season of Mad Men and I'm kind of sad to know that Maggie makes her exit soon. It's pretty evident that Don has a connection with her like no other woman- in that he talks about his past to her, etc. Maggie is great as Rachel... I wonder if she'd ever come back for a few episodes. Although I LOVE her as Tara on SOA.


Yeah she kinda rocked it as Rachel Menken, but I must say I really do not like Don Draper, I always felt Rachel could do better than a serial philanderer! If you're interested check out the one episode she appeared in in Season 2 (The New Girl) of Mad Men. It just helps close that loose end with her and Don's relationship.


As much as I like her on SOA, many times it's DESPITE how annoying Tara can be. On paper, I'm pretty sure I'd hate her. Very few actresses could play that part as is and not be universally hated - it's a testament to Maggie's skill that the character is so well-liked.

Rachel Menken, on the other hand, was the perfect blend of solid characterization and excellent execution. I think Matt Weiner does a great job of recognizing an actor's strength(s) and running with it, and that ability was definitely on display with Rachel. I have no doubt that if Maggie'd stayed on MM she'd have been nominated for an Emmy by now


So I guess I saw Maggie's final appearance as Rachel on season 2 of Mad Men- (spoilers) she bumps into Don at a restaurant and she's with her new husband and Don's with his latest mistress. Very short scene- I was almost expecting Don to try and get in touch with her or arrange a private meeting after but I guess that ship has sailed. She's married now and that's that! I liked the line when Rachel said " Oh Don, he's all business" haha. That was her little stab since she likely knew what he was doing with that Bobbie woman.


Rachel was my all-time favorite Mad Men character, when I still watched the program! Too bad the show's creator went in a different direction with Don. I'd have loved to see him try his hand at marriage with Rachel. She'd whip his ass if he cheated on her!

