MovieChat Forums > Maggie Siff Discussion > Shallow post warning

Shallow post warning

I was just re-watching my Season 2 SOA DVD and couldn't stop thinking how gorgeous Maggie is. I don't know if it was the styling or what but Season One did her beauty no justice. She has a really striking blend of facial features, paired with flawless skin and hair...kinda reminds of Lena Heady, who also has strong and soft features at the same time. I was pretty surprised to see so many people down on her looks on a few SOA boards. As a mostly straight female I say I wouldn't kick her outta bed tbh


Maggie is so gorg! Not to mention how good it is to see a curvaceous woman on TV!

In season 2, Tara spent more time outside of the hospital where she could be a bit more dolled up than the first season. That is when she wasn't all entangled with the delish Jax!


I agree that she's one pretty lady! I think s.1 didn't do her a lot of justice with her looks. S. 2 she did seem to stand out more- and it was probably because we saw her in more stylish clothes and her hair down- as opposed to being in her scrubs and hair pulled back all the time.
I've posted this in defense of her on the "HIDEOUS" thread- and I'll post it here too- display_media

I think it really shows how gorgeous she is! Plus she's a great actress ;)


"As a mostly straight female I say I wouldn't kick her outta bed..." That's pretty funny.

I agree with you though she is quite a striking female, and I think all those who hate on her just because of her looks exemplify the shallowness of the american entertainment industry, and the public that feed off that industry. Since when does every-single woman on television have to rate with a supermodel to be taken serious as a gorgeous or sexy female. To me what makes Maggie so beautiful is that she looks like a real woman that I would encounter in my everyday life, and not some mythical hollywood fake starlet who only gets roles because she is "classic hollywood beauty"...Need I go much further than Jennifer Aniston or Megan Fox to prove that? I love Jennifer A., but honestly the woman can't really pull off a lead role in a major film. All her major projects have been duds. Yet she continues to get parts simply because her of her name and her looks.

Siff can act but she gets no recognition for it because she started in theater and got to Hollywood later than typical in her career, and she is not a "classic beauty". I personally think she is beyond sexy because she is so talented and has a natural grace and strength that always shines from within no matter what character she plays. (I've seen all her televison and film roles). She represents women with class and style, and she stays low-key(out of the media "Let-me-put-you-on-a-pedastal-so-I-can-destroy-you" spotlight) in hollywood which is cool as hell!

My final rant on the subject of beauty is....Why is it that no one ever talks about how the men look on SOA? I mean seriously it's not like they are walking talking billboard adds for CK underwear (Hunnam being the exception). What a sexist world we still inhabit, and I hate it when woman fall inline with that sexism. I say stand up for real looking women with real talent and lets foil the agenda of the sexist regime. :)


P.S. I have a total female crush on her :)


Halfway through watching a season 1 DVD tonight, it suddenly struck me who she looks like...she's a dead ringer for Casey Anthony!


Both Maggie and Lena look a lot like Sarah Clarke, in my opinion. A trio of gorgeous and talented women.


She makes me puke

You're a troll.
