MovieChat Forums > Rami Malek Discussion > The only two things that I dislike about...

The only two things that I dislike about Mr. Robot

A great movie, TV series, stage play, etc., is supposed to draw you in to the point where you don't notice anything else; there shouldn't be anything else onscreen that breaks your attention. But there are two things that distract me and, therefore, two things that I dislike about the show.

1) Darlene and Angela are overloaded with make-up. Maybe they have more close-ups than any of the other female characters and it's more noticeable and I'm not referring to Darlene's eye make-up (which certainly enhances her lovely eyes). I'm not much of an expert on makeup but what I'm speaking of is the topmost layer of powder. It's so obvious and stands out like the powder on one of the small powdered sugar doughnuts. Maybe they both have imperfections but if the makeup experts are trying to cover that up or they're just heavy with the makeup brush they need to stop.

2) Angela. Most of the casting is perfect. You don't think about it because it is so perfect. Except for Angela. She has that kind of "Phoebe from Friends" look and voice that you see on 2 out of 10 sitcoms and that just doesn't work in drama. In the (dramatic) final scene with Angela and the lawyer, she's just awful; even without the wise words of Terry unknown to the lawyer, Angela's mysterious behavior just doesn't seem too mysterious. In fact, that whole "change things from within" crap is clichéd. Angela needs to be written out of the series.

2b) I was getting tired and sleepy by the time that Elliot made his paranoid soliloquy but it, too, was so nauseatedly clichéd for someone as bright as Elliot. Yeah, those of us who suffer with paranoid delusions may have similar structures in our delusions but Elliot's paranoid delusions would be much more unique and fleshed out, NOT a remedial class for basic world dominance delusions.

Less makeup on the women. Scratch Angela. And, please, either make something interesting out of the clichés or kill them.

Now that I know what I know, I'm going to watch the episodes again.

Love to hear some comments.


Have you considered how your post reflects on you personally and what it suggests about your ability to successfully socialize and take procreative action? It's not pretty I am afraid. I bet you have a weird asymmetrical face with prominently displayed flaws that are really annoying and, unfortunately, difficult to stop staring at.

If u have a massively long sig, just delete it please.


I'm uncertain if your reply is to my message, because I don't see anything in your reply corresponding to what I wrote.

Yes, I am mentally ill and have some issues with social anxiety but, no I have no problems "taking procreative action" on, well, anything. Even my social anxieties. And I don't quite get what you're trying to say when you write that "it's not pretty"? What's not pretty?

Nothing wrong with my face, only my lower torso. I lost my legs in 2006. As for any facial "flaws" – I do wear reading glasses. My facial characteristics have been described by others as "like Alan Bates in Women in Love, which I consider a compliment.

I don't do many message boards and I don't know you; I don't know if you're trolling or ignorant or mad. But your diagnoses of my illnesses are so very out of place that they seem to stem from the bizarro world in which you, and you alone, live.


Joined IMDb when I was quite young and saw what no child should see. My soul and psyche are scarred for life but on the surface, which is what really counts, I am flawless.

Ah, I'm sorry - I should have read your bio before I replied. You're damaged; mentally damaged and in spite of your claimed flawless surface appearance, your avatar has a covered face and a hat that doesn't allow for any sort of facial features to be exposed.

I see that you're, more likely than not, describing yourself when you write of a "weird asymmetrical face with prominently displayed flaws that are really annoying and, unfortunately, difficult to stop staring at."

There are times when you don't have to be a Freud to decipher that which has been self-exposed.


Darlene's makeup is clearly a character choice done by the actress or the show runner. It's not overly done by accident. It gives off that bohemian/grunge vibe she's going for. It fits with her character.

I initially had some reservations about Portia Doubleday as Angela but I think as the series has progressed I get her character choices. This naive, childlike quality that she exudes has created an interesting dynamic in the second season. I wonder how much, if any, information was given to her about where her character would be by the second season in the shows inception.

As to your last point: is Elliot really delusional about corporate domination in his world? He's delusional about a lot of things but that's not one of them.
