MovieChat Forums > Max Irons Discussion > Acting Skills in 'The White Queen'

Acting Skills in 'The White Queen'

I'm quite impressed with his acting in "The White Queen." Prior to the show, I had only seen him in "Red Riding Hood" and "The Host;" he was terrible in both. It's good to see he's starting to show/develop some quality acting skills, especially given how great of an actor his father is!


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I actually thought he was fine in RRH. The role was small and pretty much the standard bland nice guy who isn't getting the girl character that appears in pretty much every YA movie/book. So there wasn't much opportunity for him to shine.

The male lead was more interesting, but he was supposed to be. I think MI did well with what he was given in RRH. In fact, I don't think another actor would have done a better job.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but l respectfully disagree. However, his acting could have suffered as a direct result of the very poor craftmanship of both screenplays for RRH and The Host.


I would have to agree. However, l think it's unfair to compare him to actors or actresses who are seasoned veterans. Relative to his past roles, his performance in "The White Queen" was a vast improvement. I agree that his overall acting could use improvement. Luckily he's still young; hopefully he'll keep improving until he's able to build a more solid foundation of acting skills.

P.S. Your name is very pretty. My middle name is Rose :)


I understand what you're saying and l agree. However, l do believe that acting can be learned and improved by experience to a certain degree. For instance, have you ever seen Jennifer Connelly in "Labrinyth?" It was one of her first movies and she was absolutely terrible in it. Now she's an Oscar winner. Obviously every actor's career trajectory is different, but it is possible to greatly improve one's abilities by practice alone.


I think the comparison to Aunerin Bernard is a good one. He is younger than Max Irons and less experienced, and not only did he give a much better performance in TWQ, but he has an Olivier Award.

Also, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect actors to give really top-notch performances. With exception of child actors, I don't think actors should get a pass for lack of experience. They're being paid to act - it's their job - and if they can't do it well, then they should study and do Shakespeare in the Park or school plays or town plays until they're good - but people shouldn't be expected to pay money to watch bad performances. I'm a lawyer - if I screwed up a deal, I wouldn't get to say "well, I'm a pretty junior lawyer, so I'm still learning but I'll do better next time".

I think Max was okay in TWQ. He wasn't great, and he was overshadowed by many within the supporting cast.
