
He's one of my candidates for Four, but he's too old! (by casting standards, I mean. I think they'll be casting someone over 18 but not older than 21 or 22 like Shailene Woodley who has already signed up to play Tris).

There is another actor whom I have Googled days ago, but I have forgotten his name already as I have not heard of him before.

Anyway, thoughts? :)
(sorry for my terrible English. It is not my first language :p)


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I agree with you when you said that Max is a great actor. I, too, think he is.

But the thing is, actually, Tobias is just 2 years older than Tris.

But Max looks really young for his age, so I'm hoping he'd consider it :D


I was really really disappointed that he wasn't cast as Four. The whole time I read the books he's the person whom I was picturing. Ugh!!
