
Did not picture him at all for Daniel but he would do a good job.

This is gonna make him huge!

Last Films:Hall Pass6/10,Battle:LA9/10,Adjustment Bureau6/10


I don't know if this is the best choice for him. The books are just okay (not great). They are also very much like Twilight in that they really revolve around a girl obsessing about a guy. Yeah, I know in the first one there's sort of a mystery about her, but 90% of the book is obsessing over Daniel.

Also, while they have a following, that doesn't guarantee the fans will go to the movie - I Am Number Four and Percy Jackson didn't fare that well.


All the books are different from twilight.... now days every supernatural themed book shave a love story in them.

Last Films:Hall Pass6/10,Battle:LA9/10,Adjustment Bureau6/10


It is only a rumor but i hope he'll get the part


IMO, the books aren't that different from Twilight. There was definite potential with Lauren Kate's story idea, but she spends too much time obsessing about Daniel and not enough time exploring the plot.

A lot of paranormal romance is more plot-based (like Lord of the Dead, which preceded Twilight). Unfortunately, the Fallen series is very much like Twilight in that it's mainly about a damsel-in-distress obsessing over a guy. It even follows a similar trajectory to Twilight: Book 1: you've got a damsel-in-distress who is inexplicably a magnet for the supernatural meeting the hot emo paranormal guy who runs hot-and-cold and then comes clean that he's paranormal, and they fall in love, and thrown into the mix is a non-viable love trianle because there is such a clear winner from the outset; Book 2: the hot paranormal guy leaves her alone for her own "protection" and she strikes up an almost relationship with someone new.

There are a lot of paranormal series that are very original, but in the wake of Twilight a lot of the new books really let the plot fall by the wayside.

Obviously, it's a matter of taste. Some people love the Fallen series. However, I don't think it has the rabid fanbase to make a movie really successful. Lots of very successful books do not make successful movie adaptations:

Alex Rider
The Vampire's Assistant
I Am Number Four
Percy Jackson
The Golden Compass
Judy Moody
(even the last two Narnia movies underperformed)

IMO, the Need series would be better for an adaptation because it's more original and plot-based and actually has a viable love triangle because the two potential guys actually both have a shot (let's face it, in Twilight, given the whole imprinting business, Jacob was really offering to love Bella until his true mate showed up and he couldn't resist the pull, and no girl in her right mind would take that; and in Fallen, it was a choice between a good and bad fallen angel, again not much choice there).


He seems to be out of the project. Maybe he read the ridiculously absurd and utterly terrible third book.

The time travel bit is one of the worst written things I've ever seen: (1) Luce looks pretty similar everywhere, including in the Mayan kingdom and (2)apparently it didn't occur to the author that a seventeen year old girl in the Mayan kingdom or Egypt or the middle ages wouldn't have been available to be incinerated by Daniel - a 17 year old in ancient and medieval societies was the equivalent of middle aged today.

If it had just been the first two books, this would have been a nice project for him. But given the bad quality of the third book, it would have been embarressing. And those plot holes (like a 17 year old in different historical periods not reflecting the periods) might not bother tween fans of the books, but professional movie reviewers will crush it (and Jeremy Irons son probably cares about doing work that people respect, or at least don't laugh at).
