MovieChat Forums > Gavin Newsom Discussion > He looks like the stereotypical "Evil Ri...

He looks like the stereotypical "Evil Rich B*stard" character from the movies.

Newsom looks like the kind of character in movies who plans to bulldoze the orphanage or have the ponies processed into dog food or evict the sweet old senior citizens from their homes. He looks like an arrogant, smug, entitled monster who gets what he deserves at the end.,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2021_16/3466130/210420-gavin_newsom-mc-1234.JPG


I disagree. He looks like he has a big heart who loves helping others


Yeah, sure... The guy is Doug Niedermeyer and Greg Marmalard from "Animal House" at age 55.


Yeah, Newsome's no saint.


That’s why we call him “Gayface Gavin”.


Spoiled rich preppy kid. Probably because that’s exactly what he is. The classic example of leftwing white privileged. Pelosi his aunt. Never accomplished jack shit. Had a business handed to him by the Getty’s. Then became mayor of SF and so on.

These types flourish in hard left areas like SF and NY. Places full of leftwing lemmings who are only capable of following directions spoonfed to them by their communist masters in Democrat media/party.


Good assessment, because it is one hundred per cent spot on.


Art imitates life.


He looks like Patrick Wilson in this profile pic 🤔

Honestly thought that’s who it was. Don’t know this dude from a bar of soap.


Well, you have a good judge of character. And, trust me, he WILL get what's coming to him, one way or another.
