MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Discussion > The Holy Quadrilogy - Is Joseph denied a...

The Holy Quadrilogy - Is Joseph denied a fair place in history?

We often hear about the Holy Trilogy. That is to say Jesus, the holy spirit and the father, i.e. God himself. However what about Jesus' other father - the guy who brought him up - Joseph?

We don't hear too much about him, he often appears overlooked. But if we consider the nature vs nurture debate on how behaviour is determined then Joseph is the nurture to the absent parent God's nature.

When we consider all the good things Jesus achieved over the course of his life should we not therefore be giving just as much credit to Joseph as to God, perhaps even more?

The world was a rough place back then, and without Joseph steering Jesus on the right path (a bit like Furious Styles in Boyz 'n the Hood) who knows how things might have gone down...


It's been suppressed by the Church over the years, but if you search around enough, you can still find old copies of the rap song by Jesus where he says: "Joseph was my father, cuz biological didn't bother."


I've thought about that too. At least the Catholic and Episcopal church has many hospitals and churches named after Saint Joseph. I would like to know more about his relationship with Jesus as he grew up.


I would like to know more about his relationship with Jesus as he grew up.

Yes, I was thinking earlier that exactly that would make for an excellent series.

Either live action or in animation format, a docu-drama (if the details exist) or just a plain fabricated dramatisation of the relationship would make for excellent television.

I'm amazed that a Christian TV channel hasn't already made this a reality.


Well he was cucked by the Holy Spirit so that's probably why he kept such a low profile.
