MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Discussion > If Mary is the mother of Jesus and Jesus...

If Mary is the mother of Jesus and Jesus is the lamb of God...

Then does that mean that Mary had a little lamb? 🐑


Lol. Not necessarily. Remember it was The Holy Ghost who knocked up Mary not God the Father.


I don't understand the confusion. Jesus was an alien. He was sent back from prior visits to attempt to remove any myths of God - such as the parting of the red sea. The great flood. You ever notice how "God" changes between old & new testament? Old is a wrathful, vengeful god. The aliens left, instilling this myth of a garden of eden and a serpent (which is the alien race). Their plan was deviating.

New testament, I sent my son to forgive your sins (actually, the mistakes the aliens made) so more benevolent. The aliens had returned, to try and revise their "programming" of humans. When Jesus alien was resurrected, the aliens left. The aliens will come back. Not sure what they will think. My prediction - might be total destruction. Nobody seems to benevolent anymore. The middle east continues to be a tinderbox (alien first landings, unless we count Inac's. Nazca Lines, Teotihuacán). We exist, but barely.

I think the next incarnation of a savior will be pretty brutal.




Wow! She had a lamb, Jesus....Mary was a cheap slut, now wasn't she?


I don’t know about that but it did inspire Paul McCartney to write what is widely regarded by boffins and music critics the second best song ever recorded!
