Is he nice?

he seems friendly and nice in interviews but anyone ever met him? I have a crush on him


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So far i've seen him be extremely nice to his fans such as in autograph signings & he's very interactive with them. However, I've also seen little moments on twitter and fb that he can call out on someone who is being negative towards him. It seems like he gets a kick out of it actually. Just a little bit of fun. I also check his favorites on twitter, & have been surprised to see he's favorited negative comments towards him or Arrow. I guess he takes negative criticism pretty well. :)


You can't really tell a lot by interviews, most celebrities are nice in interviews, i always think you find out what a person is really like when you cross them, anyone can be nice as long as you don't make them mad. That being said he does seem like a nice guy:)


I have watched a ton of his videos, some of them live, on Facebook and he is genuinely a nice guy. He is down-to-earth and real.

Wonder is the seed of knowledge.🐈 


Yes he does seem to be:)


Yes!! he is very nice in person, I met him at FanExpo in Vancouver, and he put his arm around me and my daughter for a picture, and it didnt take, so we had to do it again, we were so star struck I couldnt tell where the camera was, LOL! I met others there too, but he was the nicest. If you see him in public around town, he is also nice, my son seen him lots, I dont think he is capable of being mean, unless someone treats him like crap maybe then, but in general he is super good looking, super tall, and super nice in person just as he is on his FB.



I met him at the Chicago Comic-Con last month, and he was very nice. Obviously the lines move fast and you don't get much time with them, but he seemed enthusiastic to meet me and made the meeting a pleasant experience.


In person he seemed a nice fella, laid back and was friendly with the fans.
