MovieChat Forums > Dichen Lachman Discussion > Does it really matter where she was conc...

Does it really matter where she was conceived?

Interesting thing to put in a biography.


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I actually didn't pay attention to that until you pointed that out.

It doesn't matter, It surely doesn't make her japanese but it makes her sound more exotic perhaps. Being born in nepal to a tibetan mother and an australian is interesting enough. Having said that, it is weird to know this.

"alright dear, were going to conceive a child right now, at this very moment under this glowing full moon overlooking the beach where we can see a street market filled with colourful and alluring foods with wandering nationalities conversing onto one spot on this foreign land - I can't wait to tell her of this magical moment" unzipppppppppp let the magic begin..."


It was put in because IMDB has gotten lazy. It has resorted to using filler contributed by fans who don't have a clue on how to use Google to find any relevant info on people. Heck, if I wanted to I could add that she worked as a sherpa for a few years before being discovered. But I won't because 1. It might not be true or 2. so what? why would anyone besides a sherpa would find that interesting.


yea... I thought that was a BIZARRE detail to include.... tmi, much? kind of gross actually lol... I'm sure she didn't even want to know where she was conceived, let alone have the information on the world wide web.

I've got an appetite for destruction but I scrape the plate.


well, she does look exotic. I think the detail explains it.


to create you bears no difference on your physicality.


This womans beauty is legendary, who the *beep* cares what nationality, religion, or background she comes from?


how does where she's conceived have anything to do with how she looks??! It's the ethnicity of her parents that determine that, genius.
