MovieChat Forums > Dichen Lachman Discussion > She looks like a stock anime female!

She looks like a stock anime female!

I went through the whole season of Dollhouse trying to put my finger on it and that's it. The eyes, the long nose, the mouth and hair . . . she's real anime. And its creeping me out!


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You know, I think I agree. She does look like an anime chick.


lol... true. BUT she's a far better actress than Dushku and it might explain why we see her less and less. If Whedon valued talent over his little friendship, Dollhouse might have had a chance!

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


In my opinion, saying that an Asian woman looks like a "stock anime female" is racist. She's a person, not a cartoon.


I know you said it's your opinion, but the reality is that "stock anime females" don't at all look like Asian women. So it really can't be racist, then.

And thanks for reminding me that she's a person and not a cartoon. I was really mixed up there but you clarified it for me.

That's all folks!


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